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If you said the latter, you could be set- ting yourself up for a scam-or at least sketchy advice.
Planners eager to mine the rich vein of retirement savings are using credentials such as certified senior investment planner and registered senior investment adviser to get you in the door and sell you products, according to a report by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Among the products they pitch are certain types of annuities that may be risky, overpriced or inappropriate.
Often, the impressive credentials or chain ofletters following an adviser’s name represent not much more than atten- dance at a weekend seminar or a few hours’ study, if that. Ersatz “credentials” may even be used by scammers eager to get your business. “I’ve seen business cards that say ‘HSG,’ for ‘high school graduate,”’ says Gerri Walsh, president of the Finra Inves- tor Education Foundation, which promotes financial literacy. These self-declared ex- perts typically target older people (mostly men) who are affluent, educated and con- sider themselves financially savvy. “It’s not the isolated little old lady” who is being drawn in, says Walsh. “Fraudsters go where the money is.”
Real versus faux real. Not every adviser with a specialty aimed at seniors is using light- weight or trumped-up credentials. Some designations demand rigorous training, testing and follow-up. For instance, anaccredited estate planner must also be a lawyer or similarly qualified professional, take two graduate-level courses, and have five years of estate-planning experience. Compare those credentials with those for an accredited retirement adviser, who can take a lOO-question exam without any academic or professional prerequisite.
One easy way to identify an adviser with expertise is to look for the certified financial planner designation. The CFP credential indicates that the planner has taken a college-level program in financial planning or the equivalent, passed a tough exam, and clocked at least three years as a full-time personal finance planner.
So rigorous is the training that anyone who earns a CFP is unlikely to tack bogus credentials onto it, says Michael Kitces ,a partner (and CFP) at the wealth management firm Pinnacle Advisory Group, based in Columbia, Md. “Why add the junk if you’ve already gotten a high-quality cre- dential?” he asks. Kitces has suggested that regulators set a minimum standard for financial planners, such as the CFP. “Ifsuch a rule were put into place, I suspect that almost all the specious designations would vanish,” he says.
As for other credentials, check Finra’s “Understanding Professional Designations” database at Use the tool to find designations and compare them side by side, vetting their educational requirements, exam type, complaint process and accreditation status. You can also find background information on brokers and advisers, including their qualifications and disciplinary history, at
The Department of Labor has raised a related concern about brokers who offer retirement advice. The current standard requires only that brokers provide their clients with “suitable” advice, be it about rolling over a 401(k) into an IRA or about which products to buy. The DOL would bump up the current standard for brokers to a higher, fiduciary standard, which re- quires advisers to put their clients’ interest before their own
Article originally seen in 05/2015 KIPLINGER’S PERSONAL FINANCE
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