Business Development CAR Lite Name First Last Email PhoneHow did you hear about us?Reason for contacting us? How can we help?Are you currently employed? Yes No Current Annual IncomeDo you participate in your company retirement program? Yes No Are you married? Yes No Spouse's Name First Last Is your spouse currently employed? Yes No Spouse's Current Annual IncomeDoes your spouse participate in their company retirement program? Yes No Do you have children? Yes No Do you have Florida Prepaid or a 529 plan? Yes No Do you invest your own money currently? Yes No How much do you estimate you have in assets outside of you're retirement plan?How much credit card or other debt?Do you own your home? Yes No Estimated value?Estimated equity?What are the most important criteria you desire from your planner?Have you met with a planner before? Yes No Length of relationshipWhy did relationship end?What did you find most beneficial about working with a planner?How did you react when the market took a downturn this year?What questions do you have about the client/advisor relationship? Δ