Hosts: Nancy Hecht, CFP®, AIF® and Joe Bert, CFP®, AIF®

It’s an ask the expert Saturday morning on News 96.5. It’s good to have you with us on WDBO. In the studio with us this morning from Central Florida’s oldest and largest independent firm of certified financial planning professionals, the author of The Hecht Effect and A Man Is Not A Plan, Nancy Hecht is in the studio with us. Hi Nancy.

Good morning.

And the oracle of Orlando, Joe Bert is back with us.

Good morning.

Joe. Tell everybody what this program is all about.

Well first of all, we’re live this morning.

Yes we are here live on December 26th, Boxing Day. 9:07.

All of the sales are happening in the stores today.

Hang onto your radio for a while there folks because Nancy and I are here to answer questions that you might have regarding your personal finances. As we say in our radio spots, we go through life hoping it all comes together for that point in time when our paychecks stop. Because when you think about it, there will come a point in time when you won’t be working any longer and the bills keep coming in, and you want to do all of that stuff that you hoped and dreamed about while you were working. That’s what investing and saving is all about. We find that unfortunately because they don’t teach us about this stuff in school, most folks go through life trying some of this, some of that, hope it all comes together, fingers crossed. You reach retirement and find out we should have done something different the last 10 or 15 years. So we’re here to clear up that fog and to answer any questions that you might have regarding your personal for instance. Often times it revolves around questions about your stocks and bonds and mutual funds and real estate and long-term health care and IRAs, annuities, 401(k)s, reverse mortgages, life insurance, all of that and more. We are here. The good news for you, if you have any questions about any of those topics or anything else that I didn’t bring up, there is absolutely no one in line. <Inaudible> head of the class.

Pick up the phone and dial 844 —

Go ahead. I don’t have my glasses on here. Oh <Inaudible> wrong prescription.

844-220-0965. I can’t believe I can’t read that from over here.

844-220-0965. Or text us at 212 — let me — go ahead. You mention it.


<Inaudible> holy cow.

21232 for the text and the phone number is 844-220-0965. Good to have you with us today.

Good to be here.

Nancy, we’re going to take advantage of Nancy today. We’re going to talk about — well there’s just a few days left in the year to get our financial act together isn’t there.

Yes there are.

So what can we do before the end of the year.

Well I mean there — yes, as you said there are a few days you can do some end of year planning. This truly is end of year planning. Some things that you want to think about — excuse me just a minute. One thing is estate planning. There’s a lot of — there have been a lot of family dinners. There probably will be before the year is out. I know when we were with our party of five at Imperial Dynasty yesterday, some of these end of year family planning issues came up. People were asking me some questions. So you want to think about transferring wealth, as you still have an opportunity to gift. For this year, you can gift without chunking into your gift tax at all. $14,000 to anybody. It doesn’t even have to be a family member. Right. It could be anybody that you want. You could gift up to $14,000. If you have a spouse, it could be $28,000 to a person. You could think about taxes. Are there some deductions that you want to take and you haven’t taken, charitable gifts to make, deductible expenses to make. Maybe you haven’t paid your property taxes yet or you have an opportunity to pay next year’s property taxes and you can bunch them. That’s a term that we’ve used. You could look at harvesting some losses. I had a conversation with one of my clients on — what was the last day we worked — Thursday. <Inaudible> about selling some losers to take advantage of that and matching up against some capital gains that are being paid. However, if you have some losing investments and you don’t have gains, you can deduct up to $3,000 per year until the loss is completely written <?> off. Again, to offset that, you could look at selling something <Inaudible>. IF you’re selling something for a loss and you happen to like the security, remember that there are wash sale rules. So if you’re selling it and you want to buy it back maybe at the lower cost to have a lower basis and start over again, make sure that 30 days has passed so you don’t get stuck with that. So those are just a few of the end of year tax tips.

You talked about capital gains and interest being paid at the end of the year. This is a heads up for some of our listeners that may own mutual funds and keep track of their mutual fund prices on a daily basis. At the end of the year, many firms — in fact probably every mutual fund company has to distribute their dividends and capital gains and what happens is when that’s distributed, the share price drops. Some people panic, oh my gosh, yesterday my share was worth $18 a share and today is $15 a share. How did I lose 20% of my 1M overnight. Well really what happens if you look at it, the mutual fund company is distributed the accumulated dividends and capital gains that they’ve accumulated throughout the year <Inaudible> in the original share price of $18 <?>. So when that $3 per share is paid out, the share price drops but now you have more shares so you’re reinvesting, the share price goes up. If you’re taking obviously the dividends and capital gains for income, that’s fine too. But when you see that share price drop precipitously at the end of the year, it’s general because the share price is — or I should say the mutual fund company has distributed their accumulated dividends and interest throughout the year. So do not panic, folks, when you see that happen. Basically there are a lot of things, Nancy, that we could get accomplished before 2016.

Right, right. I just really have to pay attention to the items that you have on the books and the things that you had talked about doing. It’s important – the beginning of the year is when a lot of people have to re-do their benefits. So that’s a good time to look at what are you taking advantage of through your work. Are you duplicating life insurance, health insurance with your spouse or your significant other. Who do you have named as beneficiaries. Has there been a lifestyle change in your family due to death or divorce and do you need to update these types of things. These are all — you know, it’s not fun to think of at the end of the year, but because we generally have to look at what our benefits are and make changes, it sort of forces you to put that to the front of the brain.

And it’s all part of our plan to be mentioned your 401(k) and IRAs, remember that come January 1st, the amount that you can contribute to your 401(k) stays the same from 2015 to 2016. If you are at the age of 50, the maximum that you can put into your account is 18,000. If you’re over the age of 50, is 24,000. Why not get started making a serious attempt to strive toward that goal, increase the contribution that your making to your plan. GO up to HR the first of the year, maybe this week, tell them your first paycheck of the year, you want to increase your contribution because remember when it comes to retirement, the only thing that you’re going to have to live on is Social Security once you’ve been able to save and accumulate throughout your working years. Using your IRAs, using your 401(k)s, the best way to do that is you get an immediate tax deduction, and the amount of money will continue to compound and grow for you without being taxed throughout your working years. It is in fact the silver bullet for retirement planning because pensions are gone for most people unless you work for the school system or the state or something where it’s still — or a large company that still has pensions. But man, many companies are phasing out of pensions. So <Inaudible> left on your own. You’ve got to accumulate something and I know it’s difficult. It’s not easy, but that’s <Inaudible> do it.

If you start with day one, I know you guys mentioned that my daughter graduated and I appreciate that. I have been telling her and her friends that are just starting with their first real job ever the first thing you do is contribute 10% to your 401(k) and then the second thing you do is start an emergency fund. You have to get these people that are in their late 20s and early 30s used to saving right off the bat.

It’s amazing how easy it becomes if you learn now to live on that money.


If you have to force yourself to writ that check at the end of the month, more often than not, it doesn’t happen. Had you said <Inaudible> getting them started on the right track it’s so much easier, and then you see that beginning to build and then you’ve got some momentum going for you. Once again, this is stuff that they don’t teach  s in school for the most part.

No, and it’s really sad. They’re not paying it to themselves. They’re paying it to the federal government. So they might as well keep it.

Yep, you’ve got it.

9:15, quarter past 9:00. Joe Burt and Nancy Hecht are with the Certified Financial Group in Altamont Springs and are available for your phone call at 844-220-0965 or you could text us at 21232. Coming up in five minutes, Dave Wall in the news center with today’s big news stories, including a look at your weather forecast for the rest of this long holiday weekend. I was kind of interested in getting your take, Nancy, on this new fed quarter point increase in the prime rate and what’s that going to do to folks who have <Inaudible> who are on fixed incomes and what’s that going to — is that going to help out people who have any small savings accounts.

I don’t think it’s going to do much for short-term savings. They’ve already talked about it being reversed.

You’re kidding.

No. I found that quite interesting. The thing that concerns me about this increase in any future increases that we may see if that there’s a whole generation of the buying public that has never seen a rate increase. So to buy something like a house on a variable rate mortgage is no big deal. The sad thing is that a lot of those people have their cash flows cut very close to the collar. So a small increase could mean I could no longer pay my mortgage. So I have some fear as to what it could do to the housing market as far as another rate increase or two could put people into default situations.

Yeah, if you’re buying a house just on the margins and everything that you have is going to that mortgage payment, you are living on the edge. As Nancy said, when those interest rate hikes do occur, and we know they will occur, you’ve got to be very, very careful. That’s why you need to have, as you suggested for your daughter, an emergency fund. What happens if you lose the job.

Yeah, yeah. I mean that’s — it’s just these are just concepts that — as you say, <Inaudible> they are just not taught and it drives me crazy. As far as the rates go, I know that people are shopping CDs. I got a call last week from a client in reference to one of these bank CDs that’s paying over 1%. I need to explain to her that the CD is being sold through the bank. It’s not being issued by the bank. They contract with different CD shopping companies to buy a certificate of deposit type of product. There’s a whole — I found a really nice Q&A about it. I’m going to send it to the client. You know you can get 1.25% on a regular CD but you’re taking it out for five years. This is not a 12 month or an 18 month certificate of deposit that’s going to pay you 1%, 1.25%, something like that. So reading the fine print is extremely important.

In fact, you’ve probably seen those ads, newspaper, where 3.5% or 4.5% CDs — you’ve got to read the fine print on that. In fact we have an article on our website, at, under the rest of the story — info to know, and it’s under the rest of the story that you can find out what those are all about. So once again we’ve got a couple of callers here.

Yeah and I’m going to tell you what, to be fair with everybody, we’re going to go to Dave Wall in the news center and then we’re going to come back and talk to Anne in the villages and Anne wants to talk about an annuity. Then we’re going to talk to George in Orlando about a required minimum distribution. We’re going to take your phone call — and you know who you are. You need to talk to Joe and Nancy. Here’s the number 844-220-0965. Also when we come back, Nancy, you’re going to tell us when your next Social Security boot camp is going to be. We’re also going to talk about the talk.


You know what I’m saying. The talk. It’s time to have the talk with mom and dad.

Well with your family in general, yes.

That’s all coming up right after we get to Dave Wall and the news.

This hour was paid for by the host and does not reflect the opinion of News 96.5.

This is On The Money brought to you by the Certified Financial Group in Altamont Springs. Telephone number, 844-220-0965. That’s the number here in the studio. We’ll give you the telephone number for the Certified Financial Group in just a moment. Let’s get to the phones. We’ve got Anne in the villages holding for Joe Burt and Nancy Hecht.  Go ahead Anne.

Good morning.

Good morning. Thank you for calling.

I’ve had an annuity now for about three and a half years, and I haven’t made anything on it. Is that normal or average.

Depending on the kind of annuity that you own. WHat can you tell us about it.

Is it invested in mutual funds as opposed to quoting you a fixed rate. Does it have the word variable anywhere.

It’s a mutual fund.


Or is it an indexed — what they call an indexed annuity. It’s one of those annuities with a guarantee you won’t lose money if the market goes down. If it goes up you’ll get some of the gain.

Well it guarantees that I will get 4% for life after so many years. I think it’s seven years. After seven years —

Does it <Inaudible> pay you an income of 4% for life.

Yes, after seven years is up.

So Anne, if you’re seeing that your value is not changing, then I would want to —

No, it’s not changing.

I would want to talk to my representative to see what mutual funds you’re invested in and maybe you need to re-allocate the investments. You maybe make some different choices. Or it may just be a function of how the markets are right now. Over three and a half years, we have had some positive time over the last three and a half years, so I would have seen — I would have expected to see some increase in your value.

It could be <Inaudible> maybe two values that you’re looking at. One is what’s called a surrender value or the account value and the other one is what’s called the income base. Depending on the particular program, you may find that the income base in which the income will be determined when you start to take income out may be going up and that may be locked in. So it depends on the kind of annuity that you have. I think the most appropriate thing for you to do is to get back to the representative who sold it to you or have him or her explain it to you in a little bit more detail.

Ask them to explain it to you like you’re in fifth grade. Plain English. This is where you started, this is what you have now, this is what the guarantee means, this is what the investments are.


Thanks for the call <Inaudible>.

Have a happy new year.

Alright. Let’s talk to — let’s see if we can get George — well, let’s talk to Carol on the turnpike real quick. Carol, go ahead.

Hi good morning.

HOw’s traffic.

Traffic — there’s hardly any. <Inaudible>.

Are you headed home? <Inaudible>

<Inaudible> Key West. Got about a minute, go ahead. What’s up.

Okay. I contribute about 15% of my salary, which is the max for — to put into deferred comp, but I also own rentals and I’m debating whether to stop the deferred comp contributions and put it toward the rentals. So I retire in the next few years from the state, so I’m thinking maybe I should just switch the deferred comp contribution over to the rental.

And pay down the mortgage.

Yes. I have five rentals.

This is <Inaudible> so let’s be sure what we’ve got going on. You’re putting 15% of your income into your deferred comp which is tax deductible, grows without taxing. The alternative is to take that money and pay down the mortgage. We’re going to get to you after the break because Kirk’s waving his hands here. We’ve got to take a break. Hang on, Carol. Pull off to the side of the road, go to the rest area, get yourself a cup of coffee. We’re going to answer your question.

<Inaudible> don’t have to do that. You can just stay in the right lane. George — George is a trooper, but I know he’s going to hang on. He wants to talk about required minimum distribution. You know when you turn 70 and a half.

Yeah <Inaudible> and up against the clock on that one.

And Kurt from Orlando has some property for sale and needs your advice on that as well. We’ll take your phone call at 844-220-0965 or text us at 21232. Nancy Hecht. The author of The Hecht Effect and oracle of Orlando, Joe Burt, in the studio, for your call this morning. We’re planning tomorrow, today.

Hey buddy. Did you know that Central Florida’s oldest and largest independent firm of certified financial planning professionals is the Certified Financial Group in Altamont Springs. Did you know that. You probably knew that because you’re smart enough to listen to the show called On The Money every Saturday morning at 9:00.

We are here.

That’s where you’ll find the oracle of Orlando, Joe Burt, and Nancy Hecht, author of A Man Is Not A Plan and The Hecht Effect. It’s so good to see you.

Thank you.

How are you.

Doing pretty good. Waiting to hear what Carol’s question is.

Alright, we have Carol. Now Carol — I wish I was sitting alongside her as she drives her way — she motors her way down the Turnpike to Key West with a smile on her face. Let’s go back to Carol. Hi Carol.

Hi everybody.


Okay so let’s —


<Inaudible> Carol’s currently putting 15% of her salary into her deferred comp, is close to retirement, has some rental properties, and wants to know about this balancing act between paying off the mortgages and continuing to contribute to the deferred comp. Is that correct, Carol?

That’s perfect.

How many rentals do we have, Carol?

I have five.


Well — how many years are you into on the mortgages, probably all over the place? How many years remain on them?

Well, most of them I have paid down 10 years of a 30 year mortgage.

Okay. What’s the interest rate on that?

They vary through the years. Some are at four, some are at six.


Is the rental income covering the debt?

Good question.


Principal and interest.

So you’re positive cash flow.

Yes sir.

Okay, so — no, I would keep on with the deferred comp. Because look, you’ve got the income coming in from the rentals to pay the mortgage, so that’s — that’s servicing itself. And you’re getting 100% tax deduction for the deferred comp which is great. The money accumulating in the deferred comp without taxes, which is great. If you pay down the mortgage, you’re not going to get a tax deduction. In fact, if anything, you’re going to ruin — well, not ruin, but decrease the overall rate of return that you’re getting on the rentals because real estate, you’re leveraging the gain that you’re getting based on the amount of money that you have invested.

However, if there is a peace of mind issue, then you might want to start attacking the 6%, and if you make an extra mortgage payment a year, then you could — you’re going to knock years off of it, so you might want to throw some extra towards the principal on the highest interest one.

That makes sense.

But we could probably show you in black and white dollars and cents that it makes sense to contribute to the deferred comp as opposed to paying down the mortgage. But as Nancy says, sometimes it’s a peace of mind issue which you can’t always measure in dollars and cents.

No, no.

Yeah I was looking more at strategy for — rather than peace of mind, more I was looking at, I wouldn’t be able to collect from the deferred comp for a long time, but the rental, since I have them paid off, would be an extra income every month.

But you’re balancing current tax issues.


And that’s a big deal in my book. I mean, I don’t believe in paying one cent more than you absolutely have to.

Well, enjoy Key West there Carol. You going down there for new year’s eve?

That’s home for me, so —

Oh, I see.

Lucky you.

<Inaudible> close up and now I’m going home.

Well safe travel.

I just checked the weather for you. It’s 81, and I don’t know if this is a meteorological term or not, but it says it’s beautiful. Safe driving.

Alright guys, have a great day. Thank you.

Thank you for calling.

Oh that’s awful nice of her. Oh man that’s gorgeous down there, isn’t it? Alright, here’s the telephone number if you’d like to join us. It’s 844-220-0965, or you can text us. The number for texting is 21232, or 844-220-21 —

No, 0965.


I’m trying to <Inaudible>.

Maybe we need to slap him upside the head?

<Inaudible> I’m trying to remember, I’m trying to do this. There we go. I’m trying to do three things at once here.



Oh come on <Inaudible>. I had forgotten about that.


Let’s talk to George.

Let’s talk to George.

Hi George.

Hey, how are you guys doing.


I’m good.

Alright I’ve got a two-part question on this mandatory withdrawal on the IRA when you turn 70 and a half.


Which will be on April 15th, okay.


My first part of the question is, are they going to notify me of how much I have to take out?

Well it depends on who they are. If they is your financial institution, then I would have to say potentially. I know that’s all we do. We let our clients know <Inaudible>.

Right. <Inaudible> my IRA for many years.

More likely than not, George, they will.


Would it be smart for me to wait until the end of the year so that money can be earning interest throughout the year to make that withdrawal?

If you don’t need the dollars now, then sure.


Let it grow and accumulate.

You turn 70 and a half in April?

April 15.

So you have — the first requirement is that you draw it by December 31st of 2016; however, because it is your first one, if you want to you can defer it to April 1st of 2017. If you do that, you’re going to have to take two distributions in 2017.

Oh, I don’t want to do that.

No, okay.

Okay, well that answers my questions.

Alright George.

Thank you.

Thanks George, and happy new year to you. Alright, let’s next talk to Kurt from Orlando. Good morning, Kurt.

Good morning, how are you doing?

Good morning, how can we help you?

Good morning.

I’m selling a piece of property down here in Florida that I got a couple years ago and it’s been a <Inaudible> of $100,000 worth. When I put it back up though <Inaudible> seven or eight years ago, I’m building a new home up there, and <Inaudible> about half that money to finish the home and the mortgage on it. I was trying to figure out <Inaudible> so I don’t have to pay a lot of tax.

Alright, let’s recap here. You have a piece of property you sold down here. It wasn’t a residence, right? It wasn’t your personal residence?

No, it was an empty plot of land.

Empty piece of land. Alright. What did you pay for the land?

It was probably 10 years ago, I’d say about not much <Inaudible> business <Inaudible> and it’s selling for about for 100,000 <?>. <Inaudible> pay off <Inaudible> about $100,000 <?>.

So the 100,000 is not going to be taxes or capital gain, you’re basically breaking even on it?


Okay. Alright. Alright, and so you want to have your mortgage free in Pennsylvania and then the remaining dollars that you have, can they truly be investment dollars? You don’t need it for <Inaudible>, you don’t need it for savings, it can work for you for five years or more?


Okay. Alright, let’s ask this question about retirement planning. You have an IRA or a 401(k) at work?

No I do not.

You do not. Are you self-employed?

You are self-employed.


Okay, well there’s your opportunity. What you need to do is set yourself up a SEP-IRA.

SEP-IRA. A self-employed pension.

Get with your tax person up there. You have up until you file your taxes to fund that for next year and you can put it — you can probably put between a couple years, probably use up about $50,000, so that will get you a tax deduction, and then you can accumulate <Inaudible> taxed, and you’re on your way.

As far as how to invest it, I mean you could go more growth based, but you want to have a good, diversified portfolio.

How old are you, George?


Kurt — how old are you?

We’re losing you over there.

Thank you, happy new year.

How old — what would that make a difference, age wise?

Well, how many years he has to invest would determine how aggressive he could afford to be as far as his diversification goes.

Okay. Here’s the number if you’d like to join us. 844-220-0965, or you can text us at 21232, and a reminder that we are live this 26th of December, the day after Christmas, 2015. Boxing Day. Do you know what Boxing Day is?


Well, it’s anything British or —

Or is it the UK.


But I think of Canada because my mother.

It’s Boxing Day because why? Do you know what Boxing Day — why it has its origins in Britain and everything British?

Returning gifts?



<Inaudible> box it back up or —

Some conflict of some sort.

No, no, no. This is the day, traditionally, when the home owner, I guess, for lack of any other word — or the boss — would box up gifts for the servants.

There you go.

And the servants would have their holiday.


And it’s a national holiday, you know.


Well there’s some conflict <Inaudible> boxing.

Alright, here’s the number —


If I’m wrong, tell me. I think I’m right. 844-220-0965. Nancy, speaking of the holidays, you say that family should use the holidays as a time to have the talk.

Right, right. And I’ve said this in the past years, when you get together for a big family gathering, when everybody is happy and healthy, this is when you have to discuss these issues. One topic we already talked about, if you’re looking at your generation and the generation below you or potentially the generation above you, how is everybody set with short-term savings and emergency funds? And the generation below you, depending on how old they are, will have school expenses, new family expenses, housing expenses. The generation above you could have long-term care expenses. So having cash on hand is an important thing to do. If you’re talking to your children or your grandchildren, then of course some discussions we just had <Inaudible> which is saving for your future. Everybody is living longer, people are living decades longer in retirement than our parents had or our grandparents had. You have to plan for this time. What are you going to do with your 30 or 40 years potentially in retirement. Use the working time you have now to save and invest, so you have choices in retirement. And then another issue that we had discussed was beneficiaries and along with that is who is going to take care of you? You don’t want to wait for that emergency to arise for the family to discuss who is going to be making the medical decisions, who is going to take physical and financial responsibility, so make sure you have your advanced directives, your will, living will, durable power of attorney, and <Inaudible> medical surrogate all in place, and while you’re together as a family, this is the time to discuss it.

Let’s talk to Gary in Mount Dora. Good morning, Gary.

Hi Gary.

Hi Gary.


Good morning.

Hey, I have a short question — I hope it’s short.


I’ve got some grandchildren, and one of them — he’s like two or three. I opened up a regular savings account at a credit union <Inaudible> but I also heard that I can do an IRA, a six month hold, so now I didn’t know if I could just start an IRA and just do contributions weekly directly into that with no fees.

Well what you’re thinking about for a kid would be an education IRA.

Well, not education. Just a plan old retirement IRA —

You have to have earnings, so unless the kid is working.

Well, no.

And you can prove the kid is working, you can’t do a traditional IRA. You can do an education IRA, but not a —

Like the thinking, but you have to have earned income to do an IRA.


Roth IRA or any —

Oh okay.


So the only thing I can do now is just savings.


No, you could do a 529, college savings plan. Some of them you can start as little as $250.

And it doesn’t necessarily have to go to the college, does it guys?

No, a 529 savings plan is for higher education, and if it’s owned by us as the grandparent, and the child is the beneficiary and your child is in a position when they reach college age that they can get grants or scholarships because this is in your name and not theirs or the parents, it doesn’t have to be reported.

What if you want to wipe your hands clean of that child before it reaches —

Then you change the beneficiary.

So you’re always in control of that 529.

Right, right.


So that — Gary that could be another way for you to put some money away for this grandchild.

Okay. Good thinking though. Alright, we’ve got to get to Dave Wall in the Newscenter, but if you’d like to join us call 844-220-0965, or text us at 21232. We’re going to tell you about a Social Security Boot Camp next.

It’s an Ask the Experts on News 96.5, WDBO, and we’re happy you along — we’re happy you’re along. Looking at Joe Bert, why are you yawning, Joe? That’s kind of contagious.


Are you?


Are you relaxing? Is that a new cap you’re wearing?

Nope, nope.

A new old cap perhaps? That’s what it is. I have to describe it to our listeners now. It’s like a British racing hat.

It’s like a cartoon <Inaudible> cap.

A racing cap.

My dad has something like that.

I’m expecting you to go out and to get into an old NGTB <sp?> or something, drive away in a convertible. Nancy, you and your colleague, Denise Kovach, are having a Social Security Boot Camp workshop coming up, aren’t you?

Yes we are. January 28th, and this one is in the evening. Last one we did in the morning. This is a Thursday, 6:00, 6:00 to 7:30. We will serve light refreshments, lot of changes going on with Social Security right now, so there’s a lot of good information. We have the most up to date information as far as Social Security goes. You have to call our offices to make a reservation. The phone number is 407-869-9800, or you can go to our website which is and go to the workshop tab and make a reservation.

That’s not the only workshop you all have coming up.

No it’s not.

We have financial basics for life strategies for success, hosted by Gary <Inaudible>.

What’s that all about?

January 9th. It’s going to be once again the things that you wish they had taught you in school, how things work.

Finances 101 or something?

Yeah, you got it.

<Inaudible> financial planning 101.

Honest to gosh it’s good information, give you some guidance, and as we said in the past all of these are free, there is no charge, and we hold them in our classroom. We can accommodate about 30 people in there with state of the art visual equipment. We serve a light refreshment. So why do we do this? We do this for two reasons. Number one, to help you make those decisions that we sometimes stumble into, stumble on, as we go through life, and secondly to introduce you to our firm, what we do for financial planning on a fee-basis for our clients which we’ve been doing for years and years and years and this way whether you need financial planning now or some time in the future, perhaps it would give us needs analysis opportunity to earn your business. You can go to our website,, that’s, and learn all about us, and as Nancy said, click on the workshop tab you get more information, and we hope to see you there.

Absolutely. Anything you want to say before we scoot out of here?


Hope everybody has a happy and healthy new year.



And best wishes to the Michigan Wolverines coming out, and an off-state Buckeyes playing Notre Dame, let’s go Big Ten, and see what happens.

Oh that’s right. You guys are <Inaudible> the Bulls this year. Nancy is from Michigan.


And you’re in Ohio State.

You’ve got it.

Oh wow, this will be fun. Well, good luck to both of you.

Thank you.

I have my Michigan gloves in my bag here.

Oh there they are.


Too cool. That will keep you warm. Alright, stay tuned for Dave Wall in the Newscenter, and then it’s Florida Homes and Gardens live here with Tim Pateracki from Accurate Window and Door, they’re central Florida’s window and door replacement specialists, and Bill Burke from S&W Kitchens will also be with us as well, so stay tuned for that.

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