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What is an UIO Plan, and should I be considering it?
The Rest of the Story

What is an UIO Plan, and should I be considering it?

Is an UIO Plan too good to be true? Check out the clip below from our weekly radio show On The Money where our CFP®s ...
Financial Planning

Life insurance is not for saving

Stop buying life insurance as a savings strategy. Stop buying it as a tax-deferral vehicle for retirement savings. Stop spending thousands of dollars a month ...

Retirement: Pros and cons of fixed-index annuities

Forget stocks, bonds, ETFs and non-traded real estate investment trusts. The new flavor of the month these days for those hawking retirement products is something ...
Financial Advisor

Be Wary of “Senior” Experts

Which financial adviser would you pick to give you advice on retirement: a planner with extensive training as a generalist or someone who claims special ...
Life Insurance

Indexed Universal Life Insurance Faces Fresh Scrutiny

Regulators homing in on whether insurers are presenting a picture of performance that’s too rosy Financial advisers working with indexed universal life insurance are finding ...
Financial Plan

Bestselling book’s financial promises don’t add up

Pamela Yellen’s New York Times best-seller, “Bank on Yourself,” made a splash by promising to help people build their wealth even as their investments were ...

Indexed Annuities are a Safety Trap

The card that landed in mailboxes throughout central Illinois in early 2008 promoted “the most informative retirement workshop you’ve ever attended.” Pinnacle Investment Advisers, which ...
The Rest of the Story

Beware the “Missed Fortune” Sales Concept

Why you should beware Doug Andrew’s Missed Fortune I went downstairs this morning, poured a nice cup of coffee, opened my Sunday edition San Diego Union ...
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