Retirement Planning

Start Planning Tomorrow...Today!®

Our Retirement Process Road Map

Our Retirement Planning process is designed to help individuals or couples at or near retirement answer the following questions:

  • Can I retire when I want to?
  • Will I have accumulated the money I’ll need?
  • Will I run out of money too soon?
  • Should I start Social Security now or wait?
  • Which should I draw down first—my IRA or regular accounts?

The Retirement Planning process is designed to give you a clear picture, perhaps for the first time, of where you stand financially. Many families have no idea how much money they have in their estate, how they spend their money, or what they want their money to do for them.

A CFP® Professional Can Help You See Clearly

When you complete our Retirement Planning process with one of our Certified Financial Planner™ professionals, you will be provided with direction and discipline. Without this, impulsive, random decisions are often made without knowing or understanding the ramifications of those decisions down the retirement road.

We often like to say that “Retirement Planning is like looking down a long road with a pair of foggy glasses,” but without planning, it’s like starting down a long path with your eyes closed and your fuel gauge broken.

It’s never too late to start, and with CFG, you are never alone. Our goal is to help you find a path toward financial peace of mind—knowing where you stand financially, where you’re going, and what steps you need to take today to get there. Let one of our CFP® professionals help you develop the clarity and confidence you need to manage your assets, and take control of your finances for life, so you can start Planning Tomorrow…Today!®

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