Hosts: Roger Johnson, CFP®, AIF® and Joe Bert, CFP®, AIF®

Yes, indeed.  It’s an ask the expert weekend on News 96.5 and this is On the Money, brought to you by central Florida’s oldest and largest independent firm of certified financial planning professionals, that being the Certified Financial Group in Altamonte Springs.  For like the last 25 plus years, the members of the Certified Financial Group have been coming in and giving you some sound financial advice every Saturday morning at this time, and this morning we’re live in the studio and it’s no exception.  We’ve got 2 of the 12 in with us this morning.  The Oracle of Orlando, Joe Bert is back with us.  Good morning Joe.
Good morning, Kirk.

And they call him the geez.  I don’t know why.

It’s a long story.

All right, Roger Johnson, certified financial planning professional is with us.  Good morning, sir.

Well, good morning to you, Kirk, and thank you very much for having me for another year here.

The geez — to me, it kind of <Inaudible> old man, but he hasn’t aged in years, so —

I’m envious.

I’m very old inside.

But you look so good <Inaudible>.  Well let me ask you, Joe, in case anybody may be new to this program.

What are we here for?

Yeah, we’re here to talk about your personal finances.  As we say in some of our commercials that we run here on 96.5, unfortunately our educational system has failed us miserably when it comes to teaching us how to save and invest for a financial future, because there comes a point in time when the paychecks stop and what you’re going to live on is Social Security plus whatever you’ve been able to accumulate during your working lifetime.  So we go through life making decisions, some good, maybe some not so good, and the reason we do those not so good ones is because we get a lot of advice from a lot of well-intentioned people, whether it’s our coworker or a magazine, radio, newspaper, television, go to seminars.  We try some of this, we try some of that, we wake up, we’re 55 years old and find out holy cow, the paychecks are going to stop here in the not too distant future.  How are we going to enjoy those wonderful golden years that we hear so much about.  So we’re here to answer those questions and kind of keep you from making perhaps some bad decisions, and <Inaudible> Monday through Friday, Roger, I, and the 10 other certified financial planning professionals at Certified Financial Group do it for a fee, but on Saturday morning we are here for free.  So if you have any questions about anything that’s on your mind regarding stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, long-term healthcare, IRAs, annuities, life insurance, reverse mortgages, all that and more, Roger and I are going to take your calls.  And the good news for you is there’s absolutely nobody in line.  And you don’t even have to give us your real name, you just pick up the phone and dial 844-220-0965, 844-220-0965, or you can send us a short text at 21232.  That’s our texting number, 21232.  Or if you want your voice on the program, you could use the open mic.  You will find the open mic on the News 96.5 app.  Some of the things we’re going to talk about today: Can you contribute to your 401(k) and a Roth 401(k) and the threat that clients are least prepared for.  Roger Johnson is in the studio with us today.  But first thing I wanted to mention, because it’s coming up this week, isn’t there a Social Security boot camp with Denise Colbatch and <Inaudible>.  This coming Thursday, Social Security boot camp, Thursday, April 14.  It’s going to be during the day I believe, 11:30 until 1:00pm.  So that’s a kind of interesting time zone.  They usually do it in the evening, but I think they asked to get it into the daytime there, so if you’d like to make an appointment and learn more about Social Security and claiming strategies and the new rules that have been implemented recently, you can go to our website,, register there, or call our office and register that way.  Our number is 407-869-9800.  That will be this Thursday.  This coming Saturday we’re going to have our shredding event, annual shredding event.  We bring in a big commercial shredding truck we have in our parking lot.  You’ll be able to pull your car around <Background Noise>

It’s here already.

<Inaudible> back that truck up.

Pull your car around, bring no more than two banker’s boxes and see the stuff shredded right there before your eyes.

You can drive through, you can stay in your car even, and drop it off, we’ll take care of it from there.  But if you would like afterwards, as you drive through, you could stop and get out, probably have a donut maybe, coffee.  <Inaudible> get out and meet us and talk to us if you have a question.  We’ll guarantee you we’ll shred your stuff and we’re also going to be raffling off two tickets for the upcoming Springs concert with the music of Billy Joel and Elton John with the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra at the Springs Community in Longworth.  So come by and register for that.  We’re going to give away two free tickets for May 7.  May 7, Friday evening at 8:00pm.

And you can find out all about this where?  At the website.

At our website,

And let me give out the numbers again: 844-220-0965.  We’re live in the studio here this morning.  <Inaudible> the show prior to ours was taped.  It’s 844-220-0965, or text us at 21232.  Question: Can you contribute to a 401(k) and a Roth 401(k).

The answer is yes, you sure can if you are so inclined.  However, the total limit that you can contribute to your 401(k) and your Roth 401(k) is still that $18,000 if you’re under age 50 and all the way up to $24,000 if you’re over 50.  So it is the catch-up plan, but you can make any division amongst that.  You can put it all in your 401(k), which of course goes in tax-deferred.  You get a tax break for putting your money into the 401(k), and if you choose to put any portion of that into a Roth IRA, it will not be tax-deductible, but plans are that — the rules are now that you will continue to grow that over the years tax-free and withdraw tax-free in retirement.  So the main question results down to do you want the tax break now or do you want it later.  I would think for folks that are nearing retirement it’s probably better to lean towards getting the tax deduction now.  You won’t have as many years to grow it tax-free in a Roth.  But if you’re in the  younger age groups, maybe you ought to put some of that as well into the Roth 401(k) and also your traditional 401(k).  So you can mix and match between the two, and the answer is yes, you just can’t go over the $18,000 limit under 50 or the $24,000 limit if you’re over 50.

If you have a question you want to put to Joe Burt or to Roger Johnson, the number to call: 844-220-0965, 844-220-0965.  I was on y’all’s website this morning and I was checking out this week’s must-read.  How to know if you’re saving enough for retirement.  Joe, what’s the rule of thumb about saving for retirement.

Pay yourself first.  That is the key to saving for retirement.  Unfortunately, most people save what’s left and unfortunately, once again, at the end of the month people find there isn’t much left because they always find a way to spend a money that’s in the account or <Inaudible> credit card.  So, what you want to do is force yourself to pay yourself first.  The best way to do that is to use your company sponsored plan.  As Roger said, you want to max that out.  If you’re under the age of 50, force yourself to get that up to a limit of 18,000.  If you’re over 50, get up to 24,000, and if you can’t get those limits, do something, but pay yourself first.  And if you don’t have a 401(k) at work, set up an IRA account, where it’s automatically debited from your checking account so you can spend what’s left, but you know every month, every week, year in, year out, you’re saving for retirement.  Because as I said in the opening, if you don’t save for retirement all you’ll have for retirement is Social Security, and if you’re living on Social Security, depending on Social Security, you’re in fact living beneath the poverty level.  So the government gives you an incentive to put it in those plans, right Roger?

Sure does.

The benefits of using retirement plan are?

Well, tax deduction when you put the money in, and tax-free growth while it’s in there.  Then of course you have to pay some taxes when you bring it out, but that’s way down the road <Inaudible> sure does, you get a lot more dollars in here, that’s right.

All right, we’ve got a couple of callers here.  <Inaudible>

Kirk’s on the phone <Inaudible>.

<Inaudible> one of your fans, Joe <Inaudible> talk to Mark.

Hello, Mark.  Good morning.

Hey, good morning, guys.  How are you doing?

Great, how can we help you?

I’ve got a weird question, so I don’t know if you can help me or not, but I did a short-sale back in 2010 and there was a home equity line credit attached to it.  I did the short-sale.  RBC Bank was the holder of the home equity line and they wouldn’t forgive <?> me the second part, so I did sell the house but they released it with a minimal payment and then I had to sign a promissory note saying that I would pay the balance.  I didn’t pay the balance, but I did finally pay it off, I just paid it off this year.  They reported to my credit agency there’s still a home equity line of credit even though there was no property attached; it should be an unsecured loan.  I cannot get a loan on a house.  My credit’s good now.  I can buy a house except for that wording on the credit report.  Provided, PNC, who purchased RBC Bank, all the documentation is showing hey, there was a HUD <sp?>, we settled, everything’s good, this should be an unsecured <Inaudible> to change the wording.  And I may not know if they’re right or if I’m wrong even though it should be — my mortgage broker said oh, you’ve got to have an unsecured loan there, and it’s going on seven years.  It will be seven years in 2017 and <Inaudible> loan except for that wording on the credit report.

Mark, what you’re going to need to do is see an attorney to have him push that issue for you.  I don’t know if it can be changed, but that is more of a legal question than it is a financial planning question.  But I understand your dilemma, and you want to get that cleared up.  You’re going to have to engage an attorney and have him or her talk the legal talk to the legal people at your bank and get that removed.

As a matter of fact, coming up this morning at 11:00 you might want to call back and ask Tom Olsen, attorney at law, that’s just the kind of thing that he does.  This is Mary.  Mary in Leesburg.  Good morning, Mary.

Good morning.  It’s very nice of you to take my call, I thank you.  I’ve got a question about — we have a CD — well the CD has gone, I’ve taken the money out and put it into an account to hold it until I decide what to do.  It was due March 30.  Bottom line is I don’t know — let me put it back a little bit.  My husband had a stroke three years ago.  Mostly everything is in my name now.  They’re advising me to go into an annuity.  I’m a little bit concerned about that, taking that and put it in my name with him as beneficiary and two co-beneficiaries <?>.  I’m kind of up in the air.  They told me a percentage of one thing for five years, then they changed it and they said no, it was seven.  So now I’m totally confused.  I took the money out and I said let me wait until I really find out what is best to do.  I do have an extra account of money set aside with my daughter and my name on it and that’s our extra cash supply.  So they said I’m well in good straits to go to an annuity.  But I am so up in the air.  What would you advise?  I need it safe, let me put it that way.

Let me back up.  Who’s the they that’s telling you to go into the annuity?

The bank, one of the banks, in fact two.

Here’s what happens at the banks.  You’re taking the money out of one — from the teller, and the red flag goes up over at the other side — Hey!  We’ve got something to offer you here!  Which is in some cases okay.  So let’s talk about the annuity that they’re asking you to buy.


Is it what’s called a fixed annuity where you’re buying —


— like a CD where you know what the interest rate is that you’re getting for a number of years, right?

Right, yes.  It goes — first, originally, they told me 3%.  Then he said it fell down to 2.9.  Confused me completely.  So I really didn’t know what to do so I went to the other bank and I just took the money out and I put it in just a money market for the time being.  It’s in there about a week now, but I’m actually —

Mary, how long is the period of time that you would be in this annuity?

It would be five to seven years.  That’s what I’m concerned with.  I’m going to be 82 in August and my husband’s going to be 85 at the end of the year.  Now, we have health problems, but we do have — we’re under VA, we have a lot of coverage right now, but I worry about the future.  It’s just that I’m so up in the air with it, I don’t know what —

Yeah, do you really need that extra 2% that you would be getting with the annuity versus maybe only 0.5% in a savings account?  Is it very important to you to get that extra 1.5%.

Well, it’s 70 plus thousand, so it’s a lot of money for us.

Sure, but Mary, how much do you have in the money market account?

That’s it, that’s what I put in, 70.

You said you have another stash of cash somewhere.

Yes <Inaudible> it’s over 30.

Okay, so your total liquid money is about $100,000.

Right, right now.

And putting 70% of your liquidity into an annuity that’s locked up for five years, I’m not sure that’s a good idea.

Okay, I didn’t think so either.

But Kirk —

But the annuity may not be bad for some of it.

Maybe 20,000 of it, maybe <Inaudible> something like that <Inaudible>.

<Inaudible> get a nice return on, but still have a good chunk of money available for liquid needs, especially —

Well, it’s 10%.  I can take out 10% liquid every year if <Inaudible> one of the annuities was around me to take out more.  But it seems to me like an iffy <Inaudible> I’m kind of treading on.

You don’t have to worry about the iffy-ness.

Yeah, you’ll get your money back is what Joe’s trying to say here.  You will get your money back, it’s just that you’re tying it up for a period of time is the only question you’ll have to answer.

Bottom line, you don’t think it’s a very good idea.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I’m not saying that.  This may work for Mary.  Mary, what you have to think of — think about this annuity as a CD, only it’s issued by the insurance company, and now you’re committing it for a period of five years or seven years for the stated interest rate.  The money will compound and grow for you without being taxed.  It will avoid probate.  If something happens to you, your husband is going to be the beneficiary.  If something happens to him, your daughters are going to be contingent beneficiaries.  It’s protected from claims and creditors.  It’s not a bad idea.  The only thing is Roger’s making the point is you’re committing this for that <Lost Signal> so would you — let me ask you this question.  Would you buy a five-year CD for 3% or seven-year CD for 3% today?

I don’t know if it would make — what’s the difference, except like you’re saying, it doesn’t go in — we’re at an age now — I mean, it won’t go into probate with an annuity, but it will with a CD.

What I’m saying, for interest rate investment purposes, would you buy a CD for 3% for seven years.  If you could get a CD for 3% for seven years would you do that?

I might, but like I said, if I was tossed between the two where it wouldn’t go into probate, I would probably choose the annuity.

There you go.

Now you can avoid — you can buy CDs that avoid probate by just naming your husband as transfer on — pay on death.  Just put his name on there.

And the probate part you can get around, like Joe said, either way.  But your earnings on the annuity aren’t going to be taxable until you withdraw.

I wanted to add that.  I’m glad you mentioned that.  Because you did say no tax on the earnings, but when you do take the earnings out, they would be taxable.

I wouldn’t be opposed to it Mary, but I wouldn’t put the whole $70,000 in there.

Yeah, don’t put the whole enchilada in there.

Put 30,000, 40,000, and keep some liquidity.

And worst-case scenario you could cash it in early and pay big penalties if God forbid you really needed to <Inaudible> 10% <Inaudible> <Lost Signal>

It’s an ask the expert Saturday morning on News 96.5 WDBO.  This is On the Money, brought to you by the Certified Financial Group.  The reason we’re playing the music of Elton John is the Certified Financial Group is bringing you this as well.

We are.  For the fifth year in a row we’re the proud sponsors with the Orlando Philharmonic to bring you another great tribute to some great musicians.  This year is Elton John and Billy Joel, 8:00 at the Springs Community in Longwood.  This is going to be a wonderful night under the lights on your blanket with perhaps some adult beverages.  Kick back and hear some great music.  Unfortunately, the tickets are all sold out, but there are some VIP tickets available.  Just go to our website.  That’s  Click on the tab, it will take you right there for more information.  So we look forward to seeing you then.  That’s Mother’s Day weekend, 8:00, at the Springs Community in 8:00 at the Springs community in Longwood.

Joe Byrd and Roger Johnson are both certified financial planning professionals with a certified financial group. And Roger, let me ask you, if somebody wants to talk about, what, their 401(k)s, IRAs, what else, if somebody wants to talk to you about.

Getting ready for retirement. If they want to plan for college, they have a concern about their money, they need to get some advice of what to do when they retire with their 401(k), we are available five days a week, and we take calls here on Saturday mornings. So you can actually call us at the office, make an appointment for a complimentary consultation any time by calling 407-869-9800 or go to our website,, and click on the complimentary consultation and make an appointment that way.

Or you can call us right now at 844-220-0965. Let’s talk to Jim in Lake Meadow.

Hey, Jim. What you got?

Morning, Jim.

Thank you for calling. What can we do for you?

Morning, guys. How are you? Can you hear me all right?


We can hear you fine. What’s up?

Yeah. I’ve been thinking about investing in real estate investment trusts. And I’ve been looking unsuccessfully to find a website or something that does a side-by-side comparison of REIT performance, the fees they charge, and things like that. Is there such an animal?

Before we get into the answer for you, tell us why you’re looking at real estate investment trusts, if you don’t mind.

I’m sorry. I had you on speaker. Well, I just —

I’m not saying they’re — I’m not saying it’s a bad idea. What I’m trying to do is give our listening audience that maybe doesn’t know what a REIT or real estate investment trust is —

Yeah. Well, I had invested my, or I’m considering going with a broker, and they recommended that I look at that. And I did an REIT years ago, I mean decades ago, I should say. And it didn’t work out very well for me. I don’t remember all the details. I just sort of took it at the time based on the recommendation of the broker. And something about the law changed, and I eventually got out of it with what I put into it, but it didn’t really make any money.

I’ll bet you you weren’t in a REIT back then. You were probably in a limited partnership.

Well, they described it as a REIT.

Oh, okay.

For sure, it was a REIT.

All right.

But there’s something — so anyway, I’m just kind of being a little cautious.

In getting back to what a REIT is, it’s an opportunity for you to own a portfolio of real estate. Sometimes, it specializes in residential properties, sometimes commercial properties, sometimes investment properties, sometimes a combination of all the above <Inaudible> So how do you prepare, Roger?

Well, my big question here, I think, is going to be, and it’s good for the listening audience, is to distinguish between traded REITs and non-traded REITs. Now, you’ve probably bought through a broker a non-traded REIT that you bought and held for a period of time, collected dividends. And then, when the real estate investment trust, that REIT, thought it was the best time to liquidate, merge with another company or go public, they did that. And at that time, you got — it sounds like you got your money back. That is one way to go into real estate investment trusts. That’s good. There’s pros and cons to that. There is also the traded REIT that you could buy through your brokerage account. You could buy a mutual fund that’s a traded REIT and buy and sell. Now, they have their advantages, as well, and they also have their disadvantages. So those are things to consider the two. But, if you want to try to — back to your original question of trying to find out side-by-side comparisons, there is a couple of publications that come out. They’re quite in-depth with the information, and it’s hard to kind of do a side-by-side, but I believe the company’s name is Snyder Kearney.

Can you spell that for me?

Yeah. It’s Snyder Kearney, Snyder Kearney. And they put together information on the non-traded REIT side. And you could then, if you get into their publication, you would be able to start looking at comparisons there. If you want to do some comparisons for the traded REITs, I would suggest maybe going to Morningstar. Those would be my suggestions on that.

Okay. Now, the traded REITs, are they traded — I know that, with an REIT, you put your money in, and you’re going to just be there for some period of time.


Is the traded REIT more like a mutual fund where you can buy it today, sell it tomorrow?



Yeah, you’re in and out whenever you want. The down side, and I’ll just mention, the down side of the traded REIT is that, even though the real estate may be doing just fine, if the stock market starts to sell off or whatever, they’re going to raise interest rates or this or that, or there’s a terrorist attack or something that causes oil shortage or whatever the next issue is, the real estate may be fine, but everybody may be running for the door, and the stock market goes down. They sell everything, including REITs. So they are traded on the stock market. They’re so liquid that they are subject to fear and greed of the short-term part of the stock market.


So, with the non-traded REITs, the Snyder Kearney that you mentioned, I mean, I was thinking I’d be able to find something like Wall Street Journal. You can do a side-by-side comparison of all the stocks that are traded. They don’t have such a device or —

Well, you just said it, the stocks that are traded. These are non-traded.

So what Snyder Kearney does is they dissect the individual REITs. They look at what the fees are.

Operating reports.

Operating reports, what the past performance has been, what you —

Capped rates.

If they’re open to new investors, closed to new investors, how long they’ve been operating, what the dividend history is, if it’s gone up, stayed steady, or gone down over a period of time. And just the management company, too, you would be able to maybe get some information about them, as well, from those reports. And that’s the most important thing, to get the management, because, at the end of the day, they’re the folks that are making the decision on what to buy, what to sell, what to hold, and that’s going to affect your outcome.

Right, okay. The Snyder Kearney, is this stuff you have to buy a membership to read, or is it free?

You know, I think we pay for it.

I’m not sure if we pay for it or not.

I’m pretty sure we pay. I have a subscription. We use it for due diligence. We’re not involved in buying the subscriptions. We just see it come into the office.

Okay, okay. Maybe I could find one at the library or something.

Possibly, yeah.

Okay. Okay, guys. Thanks. I enjoy your show, and keep up the good work.

Thanks very much.

Thanks for the call.

Okay, bye-bye.

9:45, it’s quarter to 10:00 on News 96.5, WDBO. Dave Wall is in the news center. He’ll be joining us in about five minutes from now. Of course, in the news today, if it’s Saturday, there must be terrorist raids in Belgium, and there are. There are some arrests. And also the all-important weekend weather. A cold front went through, so it’s a little chilly.

I felt it this morning, yes.

You like this kind of stuff, Joe?

Yeah, I did a little — too chilly this morning.

This is Barry. Good morning, Barry.

Good morning.

Good morning, Barry. Thanks for calling. How can we help you?

Well, I work for a company that offers a standard pension or a lump sum payout, and I’m wondering usually which is the best way to go, to use, so the pension pays more money in the long run.

Another way —

If you live long enough.

Taking the monthly payment, is that what you’re talking about?

Yes, sir.

Okay. So, for our listeners that might not be familiar with what you’re dealing with, when you’re dealing with a pension, as we said, you get a monthly check, and you can have that come to you for as long as you live, and if you elect, you can have some or all of that amount come to your spouse or your survivor for so long as he or she lives. Alternatively, you can say, I don’t want to do that. I’d like to get my hands on a lump sum right now, invest it and keep control. And, as Roger alluded to, with a pension plan, when one or both of you die, it’s over, so you’ve given up the lump sum in exchange for the guarantee of an income for the rest of your lives. Excuse me. It all depends on the terms of the pension. And we have run this several ways with clients. Sometimes, it works, and sometimes, it doesn’t make sense.

Yeah. And it ends up so often the case that the client does like the idea of taking the lump sum and taking on, we’ll call it investment risk instead of the guaranteed payment. They have their Social Security as their guarantee, and they may also have a previous pension or something, or the wife has been a school teacher, and the husband has a lump sum, and he’d like to, as Joe said, get his hands on the assets. They come to you, they have not been taxed. This money has not been taxed. So the lump sum is kind of exciting to see, but you wouldn’t want to just take it and go buy a boat. You would have to pay all that — recognize all that as income. So keep that in mind, but either way, the check a month club or the lump sum, has not been taxed. It’s non-taxable money coming to you.

But it will be when you take it out.

Yeah, yes. It’s non-taxable. Right. You have not been taxed on it, and you will as soon as you try to use it. But we do try to compare what the rate of return would be versus what the — add up the annuity payments for the 12 months and compare that percent to the lump sum and see if it’s a 4% or 5% or 6% rate there. And again, Joe said, you know, you don’t have the lump sum when you pass away, so it’s apples and oranges, to an extent, but there is no guaranteed answer over the radio, but we’d be happy to crunch some numbers with you and get some — we’d also want to know some of your other factors and income needs and make sure you’re going to be okay one way or the other with your retirement plan.

Barry, we run this an awful lot for clients because you’re not the only one facing that decision, and in some cases, it’s a great idea to take the monthly income guaranteed. In some cases, no, it doesn’t. The other thing you may want to look at, and we’ve done this an awful lot for clients, as well, is, if you take the pension plan, you want to look at the difference between the single life, which pays you the most for your lifetime, but with the single life option, when you die, it’s over. So, if you started a pension today and you died tomorrow, your wife gets nothing by taking the single life, but that gets you the biggest payout. Then, you move down the line, and you take a survivor option, let’s say, 50% survivor, that’s going to give you less for your lifetime, but when you’re gone, your wife is going to get 50% of what you got. So what you look at is the delta, the difference between the 50% survivor and the maximum that you would get in the single life, look what that difference is, and we do is what’s called a pension maximization. You take the single life option, and you take that difference between what you would’ve gotten for the single life and the 50% survivor, let’s say it’s $200 a month difference, and you look at how much life insurance that would buy. Now, why do you do that? You do that because, in the event that you die, your wife then gets a lump sum of money tax-free that will give her as much or more than the pension would have gotten her. And if she pre-deceases you, you still get that big check. You can cancel the life insurance or leave it to your kids. So it’s kind of a win-win situation. It doesn’t work in call cases.

You have to be insurable.

Insurable. It depends on age. It depends on the delta between the survivor option and the single option, single life option. But, in some cases, it’s a wonderful thing. We’ve done this for some of the major corporations in town where it’s really a big difference, and in face, I’ve been in this business so long now, some of my clients have retired from one of the major companies who I can’t say but whose initials are LM. Back in the old days, they used to be MM, but now they’re LM. And the spouses are now getting those big lump sum cash check we proposed 25 years ago.

Yeah. So, in some cases, it works, but as Roger’s saying, it is unique for everybody. Give us a call. Barry, we do this day in and day out. We offer complimentary consultations. We’d be glad to talk to you. Just go to our website. That’s, You can click on make an appointment right there. Thanks for the call.

Okay, well, thank you very much.

You’re welcome, Barry.

Now you’ve got everybody in town thinking, LM, LM.

The other thing to think about on that subject is that, a lot of times, when you retire, and you have this pension that you’re due, you really don’t need that extra income. Some folks on this comparison, well, they said, well, I don’t need the income. I want to take the lump sum, let it grow for five or eight years before I even need to tap into it because I have this other money I’m going to use for income. My Social Security is going to start. They don’t really want to recognize income, and you have to recognize the income if you have a pension coming to you taxable. So, if you want to continue to tax defer it, then maybe the pension might work.

It’s an Ask the Expert Saturday morning on News 96.5, WDBO. This is On the Money, brought you by the Certified Financial Group. And I’m kicking myself for not getting tickets to this concert.

Well, there are VIP tickets available. Go to our website,, click on the link right there. It will take you to the Orlando Phil website. You can get some VIP tickets. It’s going to be a sellout May the 7th at the Springs Community, the music of Billy Joel and Elton John. You know, people think that the Philharmonica is just going to play the music, and that’ll be it. But the wonderful thing about this is they bring in a terrific tribute band, you’d swear it’s Billy Joel and Elton John, backed up by the full complement of the Philharmonic Orchestra. It’s a wonderful night. Go to our website,, for more information. And by the way, next Saturday, we have a shredding event. We’ll be doing the show live on-site at our office. Go to our website, You can bring two banker’s boxes and see it shredded right before your eyes, all those documents that you’ve been keeping all year long with your tax returns and Social Security numbers, credit card statements, we can relieve you of that burden and tell you what to keep and what to throw away.

I was just going to say that, Joe. I was going to say, I was looking at that last night, and I said, the shredding event, you go to it, you see it on our website, but there’s a little link there to click on, and that’ll tell you what you should be saving and how long you should be saving different documents. So that’s a really interesting — a lot of people ask that question.

So, once again, go to our website. That’s

All right.

There you go.

It’s on the front page, too. That’s where it is, It’s also where you go to arrange a complimentary consultation, correct?

You are correct, sir.

All right.

Just click on that, and we will be happy to set up a time and get together and go through your questions and try to answer as many questions as we possibly can in an hour about your financial well-being and looking towards maybe retirement.

One of the last things we want to say is, this week, the Department of Labor — what’s the word I’m looking for?

Issued? Re-issued?

The new fiduciary standard that people in our industry, at least Roger and I and the folks at Certified Financial Group, have followed for years that differentiates us from a broker. So, if you want to know the difference between a fiduciary and a broker, go to our website. Just click on here’s more information, a little video there, which I like very much. It talks about how we are different.

We’re not trying to sell you something, as opposed to the folks that work for a fee.

We have been for all our existence working as a fiduciary, and not everybody in the industry has to do that until recently regarding retirement accounts, including IRAs.

Well, thanks, everybody, for joining us. And we hope to see — and next week is a two-hour program, right?

Two-hour program, 9:00 to 11:00. For more information on the shredding event, go to our website. That’s

All right.

Well, Roger, get up and dance like a young guy.

Now, I got to go back. I got two appointments this afternoon.

Information presented on this program is believed to be factual and up to date, but we do not guarantee its accuracy, and it should not be regarding as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. Discussions and answers to questions do not involve the rendering of personalized investment advice but is limited to the dissemination of general information. A professional advisor should be consulted before implementing any of the options

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