Hosts: Gary Abely, CPA, CFP®, AIF® and Roger Johnson, CFP®, AIF®

Yes indeed, it’s an Ask the Experts Saturday morning on News 96.5 WDBO. My name is Kirk, and this is On The Money brought to you by Orlando’s oldest and largest independent.  I was waiting for you guys, yeah — independent firm of certified financial planning professionals, that being the Certified Financial Group in Altamonte Springs, and with us this morning we have two of the twelve certified financial planning pros and a CPA with us to boot. Say good morning to Roger Johnson and Gary Abely. Good morning, gentlemen.

Hey, good morning.

Good morning Kirk.

How are you?

I couldn’t be better. If I was, I’d be twins. How about you?


Isn’t it beautiful outside?

Yeah it’s not as bad — the humidity is not as bad this morning.

It’s the perfect time to go outside.

Exactly. It’s beautiful.

Oh man. Before it gets too hot.

Yeah, this afternoon check in with me, I may change my mind on that.

<Inaudible> schedule here.


Hey Roger, check the — in case anybody may be new to this program, tell everyone what will you and Gary take calls about.

We will talk about anything financial you want to talk about. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, IRAs, 401(k)s, life insurance, Social Security claiming, long-term care, DROP programs, annuities, health savings accounts, you name it. We’ll even talk about a reverse mortgage. We’ve talked about that from time to time, but we’ll answer questions and try to engage you in thinking about planning for your retirement, planning for big events, financially that you have to deal with, how to save on your savings and save on taxes along the way, make things work for you so that all in all at the end of the game, when you find that time to finally retire you feel comfortable about doing it and you can feel comfortable about spending money along your retirement years without worrying about am I going to run out of money.


Well we’ll try to talk about the pitfalls along the way as well.

And we do have an open telephone line for you. Here’s the telephone number. 844-220-0965. Give us a call, 844-220-0965, or you can text us from your mobile device. That number is 21232. Or if you’re so inclined and you want your voice on this program, you can use the open mic feature, and you can find that on the News 96.5 app. Yes, we are live this morning in this beautiful studio here at News 96.5 WDBO, and you can give us a call again at 844-220-0965. Roger Johnson and Gary Abley are in the studio, both certified financial planning pros, and Gary I mentioned earlier is the CPA. He’s kind of a popular guy around the office.

Especially around tax time.

Yes. He’s our go-to guy. When we have a tax question — heck, I’ve been using Gary for 25 years when I have a tax question. I’m going to tell you on the air here, after all these 25 years how I offer to buy lunch, we’ll talk about my little tax issue.


20 years ago, 15 years ago, I said gosh how do I deal with this tax issue, how does this work. Hey Gary, want to go to lunch?

I think that’s how we met, I did your tax return about 25 years ago.

You did, you did.

Small world.

We were — and we stayed in touch and we’ve been very happy with Gary joining us because he’s been the workshop king.


He has got a bunch of them coming up. We’ve got also the Social Security workshop coming up, and what’s the list look like, Gary?

Well, we’ve got one actually coming right up Thursday, July 21st, and this is hosted by Nancy and Denise in our office, and it’s called Social Security Boot Camp, so you’ll learn claiming strategies and the dos and don’ts, and the next one I’m hosting is actually Saturday, July 23rd, Countdown to Retirement.


Yes. <Inaudible> this Saturday.

Got any openings?

We do. We have openings, and we’d love to share some wisdom on some of the things you should be focused on as you get closer to retirement. Then probably my favorite workshop is Financial Basics for Life, and this is really appropriate for anybody 15 and up. It’s Tuesday, September 27th, and that’s from 6:00pm to 8:00pm.

We kind of cover the things that they don’t cover in school.

In school, that’s right. And you know it started out, I used to call this Teen Boot Camp, but then the adults who were bringing their teens showed up and started asking questions <Inaudible>.


<Inaudible> teens anymore.


They’ve changed the name.

That’s a great thing for parents to bring their teenagers and college students and help share some of the mistakes they’ve made in life and some of the triumphs as well as we learn best when we learn from our family.


That’s where we inherit a lot of our issues.

I can remember when you, Roger, used to do the When Can You Retire, Know Your Numbers for like 20 years you did that.

No I did Countdown.

<Inaudible> Countdown.

I was the — I started that in 2004 and I’ve kind of handed it over to Gary because I wanted to play tennis that Saturday, and Gary’s kind of been doing it along the way. We got to take turns <Inaudible>.

Why do you guys do these anyway? Do you charge money, you’re trying to sell something?

No, of course not.

Not at all.


We would love to — yes you do. Of course you don’t.

But I can tell you, one of the reasons I like to do it is I like to educate people. I wish I had been a teacher in some respects because I enjoy teaching and <Inaudible>.

Yes you are.

I just enjoy the, oh that’s how it works.

The a-ha moment.

Exactly. It’s important, and no we don’t talk about any specific products. There’s no sales approach. This isn’t something where you bring your checkbook. We provide a few snacks or lunch, depending on the timing, and we really are trying to give you an opportunity to get to know us and to see if this is someone you’d like to work with.

There you go. Let’s talk to Paul in The Villages. Good morning Paul.

Good morning. Listen, this is a question concerning Social Security. I’m 77, and I have been collecting Social Security since I was 63, and I got an offset because I have a retirement from a company. My wife is 74 and she has been collecting on my Social Security ever since she was 63, and she only gets about $150 something a month. My question is this — she’s got 39 quarters of her own, and I understand it would take another roughly $1,200 for her to get that extra quarter which would give her 40 quarters. Would there be any benefit at all if she would go back to work for this $1,200, $1,300, and then instead of getting my Social Security, she could start getting her own.

You know that’s a great question, Paul. One thing I say it’s always great to have your wife going back to work because that helps bring more money.

There you go.

At 74.

Well, you’re never too —

I’d like to send my dad back to work. Sure.

That’s right. You know, Paul, if she does not have enough credits to file on her record, then I do believe that — and there’s no age limit for establishing these credits. So if she’s that short of getting to the magic 40 number, I do believe it would work.

I’ve got a question though. Paul? How does she feel about this.

Well, you know, again I don’t think she would mind because she just has to work for two or three months. One of the things is her 39 quarters has been 20, 30 years ago, so I guess you get the amount compared to what you earned at the time, possibly.

Yes, yes.

Would she get more than maybe the $150? Is there a minimum — 150 plus she gets of course the Medicare deduction. But is there —

That’s a good question.

<Inaudible> Social Security will give you if you claim on your own at this age?

Well a good questions is, is it worth going back to work for that period of time? Is it going to make a big difference in your wife’s paycheck from Social Security? I think you might want to make an appointment with Social Security, sit down with them and let them help you crunch those numbers. Make sure that it’s worth going to all that effort, and it may not be. It may —

Yeah you’re going to have to do a <Inaudible>.

Depending on what she did back all those years ago, she didn’t earn much those years, maybe it’s a moot point.

I do think that Social Security <Inaudible>.


I agree, Roger. It’s definitely worth a sit-down, and I do think though the minimum amount that she would receive would likely be much higher than what she’s receiving now to where that might create an annuity that’s well worth the effort.


Coming up, some money steps to take before your 40th birthday. <Inaudible>. He sounded like he was about 40.

I can’t remember when I was <Inaudible>.

I guess that’s what The Villages does for you. That Paul sounded like he was about 40.

What did he say?

<Inaudible> 77.


Must be the water up there. Coming up on 9:16, 9:17. Dave Wall is in the News Center, and he’ll be joining us here in about three minutes from now with the big three stories in the news. One of them is this coup in Turkey.

Apparently a failed coup.

Was it failed? I don’t know, I haven’t —

Last I’ve heard.

Guess we’ll find out for sure.

I hadn’t heard the news this morning to tell you the truth. I’ve been listening to music all morning long.

Taking your mind off the news, huh?

I have, absolutely I have. And also another big story is — well everybody on The Morning Show and Orlando’s Morning <Inaudible> — Kelly’s on his way up to Cleveland for the GOP Convention.

<Inaudible> there.

Yeah, Dave Wall is coming up here shortly with the news. Right now in the studio we’ve got Roger Johnson and Gary Abley from the Certified Financial Group. There’s an open line for you at 844-220-0965. Here’s a text for you guys. Is it possible to retire at 65 but remain working part-time? This way, I can still contribute to my 401(k).

Yeah. Sure.

I don’t see any problem with that. I will say some 401(k)s do require a minimal number of hours of work to contribute to it. That would be something to check on the plan document. But absolutely, the longer you keep working, I guess the question that’s not asked with that is should I defer Social Security.

Right, right.

That’s another question. But as the 65 number is of course Medicare starts, and a little tidbit to know there for you if you are planning to work and you are, let’s say, all your retirement money is in your 401(k), and you end up working past age 70, you would normally have to start taking your required minimum distribution, but as long as you were employed and contributing 401(k), and you’re older than 70, you do not have to start your RMD unless you are a major owner of that company. So, it’s a ways off but that’s just the general information for folks out there.

Okay. It’s coming up on news time, 9:20 on News 96.5, WDBO. Coming up, the biggest threat to your retirement. Honestly, the biggest threat —

The biggest deal. The biggest —

To your retirement. I can’t think of what it is.

We’re going to blow a hole in your retirement plan.

That’s coming up.

We’re going to tell you shortly.

I’m waiting on that. And also, four — what is it — four steps to retirement?

Yeah, four steps to retirement is this week’s must read at, the website.

We’ll tell you about that. Yeah. I can’t wait for that, man. I mean, the day that I can retire. I’m one of those guys that wants to get an RV and just drive.

They’ll miss you around here, Kirk.

I don’t care.

9:25 on News 96.5, WDBO. Good to have you with us. Honestly, this morning, this beautiful Saturday morning here on WDBO. We’ll get back to Dave Wall in about five minutes with more in-depth news on that coup in Turkey, the GOP Convention coming up just around the corner, and a whole lot more including your weather forecast and a look at traffic as well. This is On The Money, brought to you by the Certified Financial Group in Altamonte Springs, and we have Roger Johnson with us this morning along with Gary Abley, and they’re answering all of your financial type questions like your questions about 401(k)s and IRAs and rollovers and stocks and bonds and mutual funds and long-term healthcare and what else?


I better turn that on.

Yeah, give us a mic here. Here we go. Anything financial that could affect you over your working years and then into your retirement years, how to plan for it and how to execute your proper retirement plan.


1-800-EXECUTE is our 800 number.

That’s your 800 number at the office. It’s so easy to remember. It’s like you’re executing a financial plan.

A financial plan.


What’s the website address for everybody?, one word, simple,, and you’ll see a plethora of information there, and you can click on a button and make an appointment to meet with one of us, talk to us about your particular situation, a complimentary consultation. Our offices are in Longwood — Altamonte Springs address on Douglas Avenue, and we’re right off of I-4, so we’re easy to find, but we’ve been there for a number of years. We’ve been doing this show for, what is it, nigh on 20 years?

Oh man, way past that. Way past that man. We’re going towards 30 now.


That’s right.

Alright listen, we’ve got Kevin in Sandford who wants to talk to you guys. Let me give out the phone number for everybody. 844-220-0965, or text us at 21232. Good morning Kevin.

Good morning guys.

Good morning. What can we do for you?

<Inaudible>. Yeah I had a question. I have a second house that originally I was intending to use to pay for my kids’ college tuition.


So the market’s come back, it’s in a good opportunity, so I’m just getting ready to complete that sale and looking at either a 529 or a Florida Prepaid, and I just wanted to get your take, your thoughts, one better than another? Our kids are about five and six years away form school right now.

Well, Florida Prepaid plan worked very well for me. I bought them early in my kids’ age. They were about four and five at the time when I bought them and they paid off very well. Of course if you’re five, six years away from sending your kids to college, it’s going to be a lump sum, a bigger start — a bigger payment — not a lump sum but a bigger payment along the way, but hey if you’ve got those proceeds from this house, the plan’s working, that’s it sounds like it’s working pretty good. As long as they’re going to go to a Florida school, it gets a little dicey if you’re crossing borders with a prepaid college plan.


May or may not work, depending on the state. But the 529 is a way to get some tax-free growth for those five, six years. What do you think, Gary? Any additional —

Well, I also purchased a 529 plan and a Florida Prepaid for my daughters and they’re heading off to college in another year, an they are not going to be going to a Florida school, and we have found that we’ll get about $18,000 for what we paid for the prepaid tuition for a four year program.

Basically return of principal, <Inaudible> isn’t it?

Yeah it’s <Inaudible>.

We paid about 6,500 each, so we’re going to get about 18,000 back towards the use for college out of state, and that’s simply because we bought that 17 years ago when they were three months old, typical financial planners right?

Where can somebody go for more information on that?

Well they can certainly — the Florida Prepaid, and I don’t know the exact website, but Google Florida Prepaid, and you’ll be able to get a plethora of information, and Roger mentioned there is not a lot of growth that you’re going to experience in the next five or six years, and because you’re going to need it in five or six years you’re going to want to be a little conservative in that 529 plan.

Okay. Stick around, more is coming up. The telephone number, 844-220-0965.

What is this, disco?

I don’t want to know.

Roger, stop dancing to this disco stuff.

That was actually kind of after my time. I never learned to disco.

Roger —

Didn’t have the shirt for it.

Roger Johnson is a certified financial planning professional, along with Gary Abley, and he was in the disco era, weren’t you?

I was in the disco era.

<Inaudible> 1980s. <Inaudible>. But these gentlemen are certified financial planning professionals with the Certified Financial Group in Altamonte Springs, and the Certified Financial Group is Orlando’s — Central Florida’s, as a matter of fact, oldest and largest —

Independent —

Firm of certified financial planning professionals.

Don’t tell us what to do. We do what’s right for our clients.

If you Google them you’ll find out that — was it Forbes Magazine?


Or Fortune? Was it Forbes?


Forbes. In the top 10 in the state?


That’s a pretty cool <Inaudible> to have. And your picture is all over the place and your website — you can see you guys at the website as well.,, and what are you taking calls about this morning, Roger?

We’ll talk about your financial plan or retirement, what you want to do for the rest of your life and make sure your financial decisions are sound, and we’ll help with advice, we’ll offer our investment knowledge for managing Client assets and we’ll first start with a good financial plan for you and your family to make sure you’re on the right track for retirement.

Yeah. And before we get to the biggest threat to your retirement, let me give out the phone number here. 844-220-0965. 844-220-0965, or text us at 21232. The biggest threat to your retirement, I’m thinking —

You know.

What do you think it is, Gary?

He knows. I’ve already told him.


You don’t know, do you?

No, I don’t. I can’t think — I’m thinking not enough time?


Getting in late?

On this show we talk a lot about taxes, investments, estate planning, trusts, Social Security, Medicare at 65, but we don’t talk much about the devastating financial effect on a family if a person, or if the husband, or if the wife, or both find themselves needing care to function on their day to day life such as eating, dressing, bathing, and all that good stuff. A lot can strike you during retirement, even before retirement, or maybe not.

Talking about long-term care?

You are correct sir. And how to pay for it, and everybody really needs to have addressed that. How are they going to pay for that long-term care if they need it, and that may be a nursing home, or not. Maybe it’s just assisted living. Maybe it’s having someone come in and help you in your later years in retirement because you can’t do it by yourself so you want to have somebody come in and help you at your home. That’s usually the goal.

How expensive is it to get long-term healthcare, guys?

Well, it depends on the way to do it, and I am a firm believer in not doing the traditional long-term care insurance.

What do you mean?

That means you buy typical long-term care insurance and you pay $6,000, $8,000 a year and you pay it every year and you may use it and you’re buying a benefit for maybe three to five years, and most folks just are afraid to even bite that kind of expense off, so they kind of ignore it, and they don’t address it. So, that’s the traditional long-term care type insurance that you base a bill like that every year and the big worry, I think in the back of everybody’s mind, you spend this money year in, year out, year in, year out, and pass away in your sleep in your 80s never needing long-term care and you wasted all that money. Then there’s another problem that comes along with that traditional insurance is that you buy it a couple years ago and lo and behold in the mail the insurance company says oh we’re having raise the rates. The insurance commissioner has allowed us to raise the rates, and you look through the calculation 30% to 40% over the next couple of years, your rates could go up, and just ends up pricing people out of the whole ball game, they drop their insurance or they have to take a reduced insurance, so I’m not a big believer in the traditional long-term care insurance to solve this issue.

So, what do I —

Well, I am a — I’m not a big life insurance man. I don’t believe in life insurance in retirement. I think you need life insurance when you’re young, you need term life insurance to protect your family and your earnings. But in retirement, buying a — and your husband and wife situation, a second-to-die whole life policy with two riders, one allows you to use that death benefit for long-term care, okay, and the other one allows you if you use up the death benefit, which could happen with an extended stay, you continue to get benefits for as long as you live. And the particular — the numbers we can go into later. Some examples of husband and wife, 60, 65, what they would have to pay, but basically you put in money, and every time you put it in you know that you or your family members, whoever you designated as beneficiaries, will get the proceeds of this life insurance policy, either through your need for long-term care, your wife’s need for long-term care, or your kids get the remainder of the death benefit after both have passed away. That’s my solution.

And what did you call this again?

It’s a combo policy. It’s a combo life insurance policy that allows you to use the death benefit for long-term care while you are alive.

I didn’t know there was such a thing, did you Gary?

Yes I did. They also have annuity hybrid products as well that accomplish something similar, and just so that our listeners also know, the traditional policies that were sold say 15 years ago that had maybe a single pay or a 10-Pay, in fact that’s what my wife and I bought was a 10-Pay, those were the gold standard back then because once you made the premium payments, the carrier could no longer raise those rates. But what Roger was referring to was what most people purchase which is an annual pay traditional policy and the problem with those is there really is no limit now on how much those could go up, and it’s terrible that people are finding that they have to reduce their benefits just to keep that policy intact.

And this type of policy where it’s a whole life policy, it’s a contract. They can’t raise the rates on you. This is a — you put in X number of dollars and you get more than that as a death benefit. No questions asked. Basically it’s guaranteed by the insurance company and their ability to pay premiums. So, we look at only good, highly rated companies to get quotes from, but we do this, and I am — I’m passionate about this, I’ve been working with all my clients now. Over the past couple of months, I’m make sure everybody knows about it. They learn about it, they make the decision whether to buy it or not. Maybe they can’t afford it. Maybe they can’t afford it, or maybe they’re self-insured. If you have over about $3M, you can probably self-insure. If you have less than say $500,000 of net worth, you probably can’t afford it, okay, so you’re going to have to count on Medicaid to take care of you. You’ll have to spend down the last of that money or put it in your home, you can protect a home when you qualify for Medicaid, but you have to be indigent, basically, and the husband goes in Medicaid situation and the wife doesn’t have a home and a few dollars left.

You know Roger, you bring up a very good point which is for our listeners out there, and it’s the vast majority of them that have assets of 500,000 say or less, and they’re going to be using or counting on Medicaid, you can’t just say I’m going to do nothing and I’m going to count on Medicaid. There is some planning necessary, and in fact at the workshop we have coming up which is countdown to retirement we have estate planning attorney Michelle Bergland who will be joining us in that to explain a little bit about Medicaid planning for those of our clients who are not able to afford a long-term care policy. The best thing is buy something to protect it but if you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it, right. So then you get a plan.

Where could somebody find out more about that workshop.

They can go to and one of the headings right on our front website is workshop, scroll down, and you can actually enroll to attend right online.

A combo life insurance policy.

Policy that you can use the death benefit for long-term care, and I strongly suggest buying the rider that gives you inflation protection and continuation of benefits for lifetime. I don’t know how many more years I’m going to be able to say that because the insurance companies — a lot of pressure on them to keep money for all their liabilities, potential liabilities. If you sell policies that have lifetime benefits, you’ve got to keep some extra cash on hand, so those insurance companies, I don’t know if that will be forever.

Especially in these low interest rate environments, right <Inaudible>. These companies aren’t <Inaudible>.


Requiring to hold on to more money.

That’s right.

The biggest threat to your retirement.

And you know what, it’s unexpected. You may spend $0 on long-term care needs, or you may spend $300,000, $400,000 between you and your spouse.

And what you said earlier, sticking in my mind, you don’t have to be an old person to be in long-term care because I remember visiting somebody in — there was the guy next door who was like 45 who was a victim of a motorcycle accident, and —

Long-term care.

Yeah, I later found out that he didn’t have insurance for his family either.

I mean the <Inaudible>.

Poor fellow. Alright.

I was going to say, dementia is the big area of worry there. But there’s other areas. Dementia, Alzheimer’s, one in three seniors will die of dementia.

One in three?

One in three die having dementia.

Unless you live in The Villages, I hear.

That’s right, like our previous caller.

It’s that good water, right?

Yeah it’s that good water.


The costs are staggering, it’s good to look at some <Inaudible>.

You’ve got to look at what your parents are at right now, right?

Take family history into consideration, I tell you that the people — my clients that listen the most to this idea are the clients that had parents that went through a long-term care issue and they know the issues and the problems and you just — you can’t expect your kids to quit their jobs, and they have their families and such. You can’t expect — nor would I want my daughter to take care of me if I needed help. And maybe I don’t need a lot of care, but I can bring in home care, and these policies allow that too, as long as you qualify for long-term care. You can hire somebody to come into your home and help for several hours a day.

Hey Roger, if somebody wanted to reach out during the week and get a hold of you, how do they do that?

They can give us a call at our office or you can go to the website. Our phone number is 407-869-9800, and we are in Longwood, and our e-mail address is, or, and our website is

Okay, the number into the studio right now if you’d like to speak with Roger or Gary, it’s not too late. The number is 844-220-0965. We’ve got George who wants to talk about a longevity annuity that he heard about on WDBO, and we’ll take your phone call as well. 844-220-0965.

9:55, Dave Wall in the News Center coming up five minutes from now with our top stories including more on that coup in Turkey. Or was it a turkey coop?

Very good, Kirk.

No, no, no, no.

Are you here all week?

Tip your waiters.

And try the deal.

No it’s a — there was an actual attempted coup.

In Turkey.

In Turkey, by the military, and Dave Wall will give you the score coming up here in — let’s see, the coup zero, and the government one, I think. And also the GOP Convention is coming up, and you know they’re warning people that have better credentials to not wear their credentials outside of the place because they’re worried some people are going to steal them and use them to gain access and to disrupt or worse.

Target a — whatever.

Let’s hope everything comes out. You know our Joe Kelly, Orlando <Inaudible>, he was <Inaudible> up there.

Oh he’s going to be doing the show from <Inaudible>.

Absolutely — well, from both conventions. I used to do them when Jim Turner used to do the morning program. I used to love to go to the conventions. Well, they were fun once or twice. After that they kind of get old. But anyway, look for Joe Kelly Monday morning form Cleveland. Cleveland and <Inaudible>. 9:56 and in the studio Gary Ably and our good friend Roger Johnson from the Certified Financial Group, and this is George. Good morning, George.

Good morning gentlemen.

Hi George.

Hi, I have a flexible premium annuity that qualifies as an IRA. Turning 70 and a half this year, and I already did my mandatory disbursement, okay. They sent me a form telling me I had to do it <Inaudible>.


I heard on another show something about a longevity annuity, do you gentlemen know anything about that?

We sure do, George, and it’s an interesting product. It’s been around, oh I don’t know, probably about 10 years or so. I think New York Life may have been one of the first companies to put it out there but now there’s several companies that offer it.

Tell us what it does.

Well George, it allows you to know when you’re going to pass away.


Everybody listening is probably thinking what is that Gary drinking in his coffee? No, honestly though the biggest problem with retiring is not knowing how long you’re going to live. And so what a longevity annuity does, real simply, is it says give us some money now, and if you live to say age 85, as an example, that’s a target age that many companies illustrate, then we will start paying out a large sum of money beginning at age 85 for the rest of your life. Now, you give them some money usually in your 50s or 60s so that that money grows, and so it’s available, and what happens to most people at age 85? Well what happens is, most of us don’t make it to 85, right?

It’s kind of life expectancy number right there <Inaudible>.

Yeah exactly. So the insurance carrier can afford to pay out a lot of money beginning at age 85 if you’re not paying into a lot of people <?>.


So it’s a protection <Inaudible>.


You can put out a little bit of money to protect a big concern for most people which is will you outlive your money?

It’s a roll of the dice there.

Okay. Where can he find out more about that?, or give us a holler and we’d be happy to <Inaudible> put together some quotes for him.

What is the telephone number for the Certified Financial Group?


And the website again?

Alright. Roger and Gar, what do you have planned for the day by the way?

Headed to the beach. Hopefully the weather’s nice.


Headed to the office. <Inaudible>.

Keep the radio tuned to <Inaudible>.

All the way.

Yeah we’ll have the weather for you and everything. Alright, stay tuned. Dave Wall is next in the News Center.

The information presented on this program is believed to be factual and up to date, but we do not guarantee its accuracy and it should not be regarding as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. Discussions and answers to questions do not involve the rendering of personalized investment advice but is limited to the dissemination of general information. A professional advisor should be consulted before implementing any of the options presented. Certified Advisory Corp. is registered as an investment advisor with the SEC and only transacts business in states where it is properly registered or <Lost Signal>.

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