Hosts: Aaron Bert, CFP®, AIF® and Joe Bert, CFP®, AIF®

Yes. It’s an Ask the Experts weekend on WDBO, and this is On the Money, brought to you by Orlando’s oldest and largest independent — Independent!  Independent firm of certified financial planning professionals, that being the Certified Financial Group in Altamonte Springs. With us this morning, two of the 12 certified financial planning pros. Say good morning to Aaron Bert. Good morning, sir!

Good morning, Kurt.

Nice to see you!

Yes sir.

And the Oracle of Orlando has come in on the holiday, you’re always here.

Good to be here.

Joe Bert’s with us.

Good to be here, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Joe. In case anybody’s new to this program, what are y’all taking calls about?

Aaron and I are here this morning to take any questions you may have regarding your personal finances. As we say in our ads, we go through life trying to figure out what to do with our savings, and investments because there’s going to come a point in time when the paycheck stops on their Social Security plus whatever they’ve been able to save and accumulate through your working lifetime. And unfortunately they don’t teach us this stuff in school. We go through life, as we say, with a collection of financial accidents, hoping it all comes together. Who wants to wake up when we’re 52 years old and find out, hey, it ain’t working so much. So we’re here to take questions that you might have regarding decisions that you might be making about stocks and bonds and mutual funds, and your IRAs and 401(k)s and real estate and long-term health care. Annuities, life insurance, your first mortgages, all that and more. Aaron and I are here to take your call, so if you have any questions about those things, you can pick up the phone and dial —

844-220-0965. Again, 844-220-0965. You can text us from your mobile device as well. The text number is 21232. 21232. And if you’re so inclined and you want your voice to be heard on the program, just use the News 96.5 open mic and you’ll find that on our app. Okay?


Again, Joe Bert, Aaron Bert in the studio this Thanksgiving weekend, and again we are live here. Well, we could’ve taken the day off, but you guys decided to come in and help out Central Florida.

Yeah, always a pleasure to be here.

Yeah. 30-some years he’s been doing this job.

So not quite the close to —

When you going to retire?

One day.

Ha ha ha! Hey, you know, it being the election just happened, I want to get Aaron’s opinion on how our new president-elect Trump has changed inflation expectations.

Well, Mr. Healy, actually the inflation expectations now that Donald Trump is president-elect have actually started to increase and I think you have seen that, or anyone that’s been paying attention. People are seeing that mortgage rates are starting to increase, they think that would take longer <?> for interest rates are going to increase, they think their short-term interest rates are going to increase, and all of this is being driven by the expectation that money is going to be spent, and that as money is spent, that the — that they will begin to circulate through the economy faster and that interest rates and inflation rates are going to start picking up, and that’s usually a good thing for the economy in the long-term, because the interest rates have been depressed over the last eight years. Really, you see that money’s been easiest in flowing through the economy, but really the people and the savers have really been punished. It has been really driving people into the stock market, which has kind of been inflating the stock market a little bit.


What you’re seeing is that inflation rates and interest rates increase, but there’s really an opportunity for active stock pickers to really get out there and active mutual funds managers, as we like to use, really get out there and take advantage of those opportunities. So I think it’s going to be a good thing here.

As far as my 401(k), should I just be hands off and let the experts handle it?

Yes, of course. Yeah, we don’t want you day trading your 401(k).

Okay. But you know, there’s something that Certified Financial Group does, that is pretty cool. You manage people’s 401(k)s without even taking possession of ’em.

Well yeah. This is a service that we started probably about six years ago and really your 401(k) — it’s always one of the biggest assets that people have when they come in to see us, when we’re trying to do comprehensive financial planning for them. <Inaudible> comes ahead with rollover IRA, or they have a brokerage account. And the 401(k) is usually one of the biggest assets, and they just don’t know how to deal with that or how to manage that or how to have it allocated or what to pick. So what we have the ability to do is actually go in there and help them manage that 401(k) for them as part of our investment management fee, and we’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback from clients that they really appreciate that service and that they’ll have to worry about making those decisions within the 401(k) plan. So —


But something that we’ve got <Inaudible> a lot of positive feedback, and it’s a growing part of our business for our clients.

All right, we got a call here from Steven in New Smyrna Beach! Steven, you’re on!

How can I help you?

Hi, good morning.

Good morning!

So we had some land in Quito, Ecuador–


Yeah, it’s right outside of a newly-built airport. We’ve been holding onto it for a while waiting for the right time to sell–

Let’s back up here. Marty’s curious as to how people order these kinds of assets, so how did you land upon this land?

By marriage.


My wife is from Quito, and her — it’s her father, and her family land, they grew up on the property. It’s about 16 acres and it was farmland, and so yeah, it’s just been in the family for a long time, and her father has been kind of wisely waiting for the value to increase and so we’re at the point now that we’re ready to do something with it.

Did you know that Quito is the only city in the world located directly on the equator?

I did, yeah!

There you go. <Inaudible>

Ha ha ha!

So, what’s your question, Steven?

So I guess I’m just trying to figure out where do we start? As somebody in the United States, you know, like he’s asked me to kind of help him out, because he doesn’t really know — well, like my father-in-law, the one who actually has the name on the deed.


He’s been approached by several people because the land has actually become very desirable. They just put up a — forget the name of the company but they’re pretty large European hotel chain, just built like a massive hotel across the street.

Oh wow.

Yeah, so he’s being approached with some pretty large offers, but I mean, he doesn’t even know where to start legally or anything like that, and there’s a lot of corruption in Ecuador.

Yes, yes.

And he’s afraid he’s going to get ripped off, which I think is also <Inaudible>, so–

And he’s an Ecuadorian citizen.

He is, yes.

And he obviously lives in Ecuador, and he wants to know what to do.

Well, he’s asked me, and you know, our family, I’ve been helping —

Here’s what you need to do. He needs to work with a local attorney, because they will know the laws and they should protect him in this negotiation. This isn’t do it yourself time. He needs to have legal counsel working with this. Now how you find an attorney in Ecuador, that I’m at a loss to tell you. But if he’s lived there for a number of years, is he — is your father a professional man? Or your father-in-law, a professional man?

He was in the military and held various military posts throughout his life, and then he was in farming, so not exactly, no.

Well, he needs to, just as we would do in this country, do some research. I’m sure you can google it, in the Ecuador, and begin to do some <Inaudible>. Go talk to people, get some references. He needs to do what we call due diligence. He needs to find the right — right advocate for him to be able to negotiate this very very treacherous, but could be very profitable transaction. But that’s what he needs to do. Go ahead, Aaron.

Yeah. And you know, I just ran a quick google search, and there is a law firm in the United States that has an office in Ecuador. The only law firm.


So run a google search for it. They actually have an office in Quito, it’s the United States Law Firm, with an office in Quito, and they — it looks like they — I mean, that’s what I would do, I would find a local attorney in the States that can really be your interface with someone in Ecuador. So run a google search —

Well, I found an organization called Worldwide Group. It’s in the UK, and I’ve been e-mailing with them back and forth and I mean, I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know if they’re legitimate or what, you know —

Well, now you’re adding another element to this — to the equation here, you’re dealing with somebody in the UK through the United States about property in Ecuador. I think —


Yeah, take Aaron’s advice. What’s the website, Aaron?

This is actually the name of this law firm. It’s Conrad & Scherer, is what I’ve found.

Conrad & Scherer.

— Fort Lauderdale.

So there you go.

Oh perfect.

How do you spell Scherer? Sh-


Conrad & Scherer. Got that, Steven?

All right!

And I don’t know if they’re any good, obviously I just ran a google search and found them, but they say that they have an office in Quito and that they also have an office in Fort Lauderdale, so that might be a good place to start and see what they’re recommending for you.

Great. Um, can I ask one more question?

Yeah, of course.

What did you google, because I was doing some google searching and I was having a hard time finding, like–

Want my search terms?

No, real estate in Ecuador.

No, I googled “Ecuador attorney Orlando”.

Oh, okay. Perfect. All right.

And they came up somehow.

Joe, I have this site I just found here, which is pretty cool. Actually this is an outfit out of Waterford, Ireland, and they’re directing people over in Europe on the best areas to live, where an important buyer should go.



Yeah, they could be —

I don’t think they —

Yeah, they could be land, you know, land speculator people.

I deal with a law firm —

I think Aaron’s on the track here. Talk to that law firm in Fort Lauderdale, they are here in the States–

I know who would buy it in a snap.


One of those people that said they’d leave the country if uh–

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Yeah!

— cost of living in Ecuador, did you know that?

There you go.

All right, good luck to you.

All right, Steven, thanks for the call!

Hey, keep us posted, how this works out. Interested to hear how this works out for your father-in-law. Okay.


All right. If you’d like to join us, and perhaps you have some property in nearby Colombia, 844-220-0965. How stable is the government down there?

Uh, not too stable.



He really has to be concerned.

Well, yeah, of course.

Don’t you two get approached every so often by guys who say that they’re considering on moving, or when retiring to relocating to Central America?


And what kind of advice do you give them, when they’ve —

Be careful where you’re going because some countries are more stable than others, be careful what you’re dealing with in terms of buying the property. You have to have good legal representation. You don’t avoid taxation. People think how much you give up your citizenship; don’t do that, that’s a whole different deal. But people think I’m going to flee the country and avoid the taxes and live a carefree life. It’s not necessarily that easy. You know, when he called, and I saw that call come up, I thought he was going to call and ask about the taxation on the property. The taxation for the people who are interested, is if you have property outside the country you have to pay capital gains taxes–

Is that right?

But you get what’s called a foreign tax credit, so if you have to pay taxes in that country, you get a credit to offset whatever tax you have to pay in this country.

Yeah, but it’s <Inaudible> —

In this case, it doesn’t work. I mean, it’s not a consideration.

All I know is I hear from a lot of expats who talk about the benefits of relocating.

Yeah, because it’s cheap.


Yeah, Panama is an up and coming country. I was there about two years ago.


Phenomenal country, and the medical care there is second to none. It’s the crossroads of the Americas, between North and South America. You go to Panama, you fly in there, it looks like New York City or Los Angeles in terms of skyscrapers and the booming economy down there.

Have you stayed at Trump Tower?

Yes, in fact I stayed at the Junk Stop <?> —

Ha ha ha!

I stayed here.

Year ago, so —

All right, let’s open back up the phones here and the number’s 844-220-0965. We’re going to go now to Dave Wahl in the NewsCenter, who’s got more on our top story about, well, Fidel Castro.

Walk like a man, fast as I can, walk like a man from you-ou-ou-ou! Walk like a man, forget about it, girl, and walk like a man from you-ou…

It’s an Ask the Experts Saturday Morning on WDDO.

Woooooo. Walk, walk.

That’s not Joe Bert. That’s a eunuch named —

1963. Who was that?

Ethan Allen?

Was he a eunuch? We think.

Great, great singer.

I know you asked, but if you ever get a chance to see Jersey Boys, the play?

Was that about them?

Yeah. Yeah, great show.

This is On the Money, brought to you by the Certified Financial Group, and we’re taking your calls about your pocketbook issues soon, real estate, from real estate to 401(k)s and everything in between. Let’s talk to Richard. Good morning, Richard.


Hi Joe, how you doing?

Good, thanks for calling, how can I help you?

Yeah. I’m 65 years old, I’ve been just started retiring from the post office for a couple of years now, I got a TSP account just sitting there that I can’t put anything into it. So I’m trying to figure out what’s my best choice, because I know it’s meant to sit there and don’t have a whole lot of expenses, but I really don’t want to do it.

Right? Well, how old are you? You say 55 or 65? What did you say?


55. Okay.

Uh, with the TSP you can start drawing from it at the age of 55, because you’re no longer working, you start drawing from it without the penalty. But you need the income.

No, I got the disability retirement and Social Security but I haven’t done <Inaudible> 62, and then at that point, my wife is still working, so I don’t need any income, <Inaudible>.

Well, the option that you have is to roll it into an individual retirement account and you’ll have more options in the individual retirement account, and you’ll have more flexibility in terms of making withdrawals. However, if you rolled it into an IRA you have to remember that if you start withdrawing before 59 and a half you’ll have a penalty. So if you think there’s a chance you’re going to need it before 59 and a half you may want to leave it there in the TSP unit you get to be 59 and a half.

Okay. I’ve already got a separate IRA, with a low-cost company.


It begins with T. Am I able to take that loan into that account —

You are.


Yeah, you’re able to do that, and then of course when you roll it into that, then you have to decide how you want to invest it, because now you have what’s called a self-directed IRA so the key is is to know how conservatively you can invest that money and still be sure you don’t run out of money when you’re 91 years old, and that’s where planning comes in! So —

So <Inaudible> wanted to keep the year.

What does he say? What’s he say?


It depends. When we do planning we assume that the female, because generally the women live longer than us, will live to 93 and the men will live to 87. Now there’s always exceptions on both sides, of that, but once again you want to have your money invested as conservatively as possible to still have a high probability that you won’t run out of money in your later years.

So considering that, my age is a good thing.

Well, not necessarily.

No, we don’t know that. And that’s why we do planning for our clients, to determine how conservatively you can invest those dollars. So it’s really a function of what your income is and then of course what’s your spending, and if your income is more than what you’re spending, then obviously you can be more conservative but if you need to have growth on those bonds which most likely you probably do, then you need to — we need to determine how aggressively or how conservatively those dollars have to be invested, so that your money lasts through your life expectancy.

All right. I know we can’t go on there and talk to us <?> and get life here. I got some other factors involved, so I just need to call you guys and sit down or something.

Yeah, we’d be glad to do it. We offer a complimentary consultation. You can come by our office, we can learn to a little bit about what your situation is, and then we do the planning for our clients for a fee. We’re not going to try to sell you a product that most everybody needs is a real detailed analysis of where you are today with your income, what your spending is — we don’t care what you spend and we don’t want to put you on a budget, but we just want to be sure you can maintain your lifestyle throughout your retirement years, and that you have enough money to do the things you want to do. Is that to travel, or buying a beach house, or whatever it might be. So you have to factor in inflation and taxes and all that stuff, and that’s all we do for a fee, and we’d be glad to talk to you, Richard, just give us a call at 407-869-9800. Call 1-800-EXECUTE-US if you’re executing a legal document, or better yet go to our website, That’s You can learn all about us and look at our smiling faces and get some good insight. There’s great Q&A section there, and there’s — I would direct you to something that — on there about how we’re different. There’s a thing that pops up there that differentiates us from brokers, where we work with our clients and we do financial planning as fiduciaries, which is the station in law of how clients need to be treated, if you’re working as a fiduciary versus a broker. So go to our website, that’s

Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on! Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on!

It’s —

<Inaudible> Stadium, 1965.

You were there.

Oh yeah, baby.

Hang on just a minute. Let me tell everybody that this is On the Money, brought to you by the Certified Financial Group and anybody who’s anybody from Ohio can relate to this too.


Oh yeah, they play it now at the Indians games and this started in 1965. In fact, the band director at the time was a fraternity brother of mine and they wanted — somebody came up to him and begged him to play this, and ever since that time it’s been played over Howe Stadium during football games.

And here today, by the way, folks, if you don’t know today is the big game, Ohio State/Michigan, 12:00.

The game.

Number two versus number three, and this is good, Amy.

And you can sing along with this song. All right. Little bit of new trivia before we move on. Joe, could you tell me who wrote, or who did this song, first, Hang On Sloopy?

Of course! The McCoys.

Right, it was the Real McCoys, the McCoys.

I think it was —

I remember Bruce Springsteen did a cover on it but that’s another story.

All right, let’s get back to the phones here, folks, you’re with Joe Bert and Aaron Bert’s also in the studio today and you can talk to these gentlemen from the Certified Financial Group. Joe, what are you taking calls about?

Once again, Aaron and I are here to take any questions that you might have regarding your personal financials. We’ll be glad to talk about things that are on your mind because you have to make decisions about what do I do with my money because there comes a point in time when the paycheck stops and they have Social Security and they want to continue to live the lifestyle that I’ve enjoyed.  So what do I do?  How do I handle that stuff?  What do I do with my 401k and my IRA and how do I make decisions on what’s best for me?  I’ve got decisions I have to make regarding my house and maybe a reverse mortgage, my insurance and my annuities and all that stuff.  And as I like to say, on Monday through Friday, we do that for a fee, and on Saturday we do it for free.  So if you have any questions about any financial issues, personal financial issues, and as he says, your pocketbook is <Inaudible>, give us a call as the lines are relatively right on <?>.  We have a couple calls right now, but we have some open lines for you.  Pick up the phone and dial —

844-220-0965.  844-220-0965.  We’ll check out some texts coming up.  If you’d like to text us, that number is 21232.  Let’s get right back to the phones, shall we?

We shall.  Jeff in Nomburg <?>.  Jeff, good morning.

Good morning.  Thank you guys so much for this service every Saturday.  I look forward to it.

That’s very kind of you.

A lot of times, I just listen and sometimes I write questions down and say, next time they do it, I’m going to ask that question.

Alright, we’re here for you, buddy.  How can we help?

So I’m going over my fiance’s 401k, whether she hasn’t touched it in a couple of years.  She’s going to divide it 25% this, 25% that and there’s an option to re-balance.  You can re-balance quarterly, mid-year, at the end of the year.  You can pick a date any time of the year or you can choose, do not re-balance.  What is that re-balancing?

Let’s talk about re-balancing.  So when your fiance set up her 401k initially, however many years ago, she chose, like you said, 25% this, 25% that, 25% this, she’s got four things and she’s got 25% in each.  So hopefully she chose different asset classes within that 401k to get some diversification because that will hopefully protect her over time.  But over time, some asset classes do better than others.  So currently the U.S. stock market is doing relatively well and some of the foreign markets aren’t doing so well.  So today she owns 25% large cap U.S. stock and she owns 25% in foreign to start with.  That’s her baseline.  Over time, that large cap U.S. stock might doing better than foreign.  So say they jumped up to 30% of her portfolio.  Re-balancing forces you to do what any good investor should do, and that is buy high and sell low —


Sell high, buy low.

Too much turkey.

Yeah.  So you want to sell off 5% of that 30% now and then put that money into things that haven’t been performing so well.  So that’s what re-balancing does.  It resets your allocations back to your initial allocations that you chose initially.  Are you following me?

Okay, now I’m curious — yep, yep.  So is that something you would want to do, or would you want to not do that.

No, you definitely want to do that.  Like I said, that’s what every investor should do and it forces you to do it automatically.  Now, some people — one question we always get is how often should I re-balance, and I think annually or semi annually is probably enough.  Some people say quarterly or monthly.  I mean, to me that’s overkill.  I think annually or semi annually is probably sufficient to re-balance.  And you can’t time it, either.  You can’t say, well, I want to re-balance in December because that’s the best time to do it.  There’s really no best time to re-balance that will be consistent year after year to make <?> sense for you.

Jeff, and there is — Jerry, let me get this thought out before I forget <Inaudible>.  It forces you to do what every smart investor should do, but unfortunately we let emotions get in the way.  We see something going up and <Inaudible> we saw that now because it’s doing good and we don’t want to buy what’s doing bad.  Re-balancing automatically forces you to do what you should be doing and that is to sell high and buy what’s low.  And then it runs up and you make that switch again.  The nice thing about it, in a 401k or an IRA, when that happens, there’s no tax consequences.  You can do that on a regular basis.  But that’s what re-balancing does for you.

Okay, cool.  So this is just going to re-balance between the four options that she has chosen.

Yes, correct.

Now of course, the key is, what are the four options?  She could be all whacked up in the four options that she chose.

She may have four in U.S. large cap stock <Inaudible> mutual funds, right?

If that’s what she has, then you don’t have the diversification, re-balancing isn’t going to do <Inaudible> for it.

No, no, she’s got like a mid cap, a large growth, a small cap, and then a target date.

Okay, that sounds reasonable.  How about does she have any international options in that portfolio?

No international at this time.

It’s not a bad portfolio, but re-balancing will do what we told you and I think it’s a good idea to do it semi annually or once a year.

Gotcha.  Thank you so much for your help.

Your welcome, Jeff, thank you for the call.

Alright, let’s move on and talk to Jerry here.  Good morning Jerry.  Jerry.

Hey, how are you doing?  Thanks for taking my call.


I just wanted to educate a lot of people out there about Panama or living abroad.  We lived in Panama for 12 years.  It is — the problem with Panama — you’re reading all this stuff on the blog about how great it is to retire down there.  Panama has a gag law that you cannot say anything bad about Panama otherwise you’re arrested.  They <Inaudible> track you by your I.P. address and arrest you.  So if all you’re hearing is all this great stuff — we bought property down there and we went to sell it.  They charge us capital gains on the full amount, not the difference, not what we bought it for <Background Noise> profit, 20%.


Let’s back up here.  So say you bought a piece of property for 100,000, you sold it for 200,000.

They charge you 20% on 200,000?



It is horrible down there.  Cost of milk is $7 a gallon.  It is very deceiving what is going on down there.  It costs nothing to get down there.  It’s costing an arm and a leg to get out.


So it’s a great place to visit, but you wouldn’t want to live there.

You don’t want to stay there.  It’s the biggest misperception that people make.  I’ve made it.  I moved down there, thinking, great, I’m going to retire in this tropical paradise and live for pennies on the dollar.  Everything is imported, so you have to pay — if you want to buy a book from the United States, there’s a 28% transportation tax on it.  Even though we have free trade with Panama, there’s a 28% transportation tax.

Yeah, <Inaudible> having a car down there is prohibitive, too, huh?

Well, the problem with the car is there’s no competition.  There’s only one Hyundai dealer.  There’s only one Ford dealer, so there’s no competition.  You walk in — we bought a Hyundai, the cheapest model, no leather, no nothing, $30,000.  The cheapest car.  So I would — the best place to live — we lived all over — is in the United States.

Amen, brother.

I mean, once <Inaudible> they don’t like us.

That’s really interesting what you say about they track your I.P. address.  Holy cow.  That’s like Germany.

Or <Background Noise>.


There’s a couple things that is really bad down there.  They don’t allow any bad thing, any bad talking coming out of Panama at all.  And they just arrested a reporter just a couple days ago that they’ve incarcerated because he was speaking truth about some fraud that’s going on down there.

So no free press, I guess.

No, there’s not.  So tell your investors, stay in America.  That way you’ll have more customers, anyway.

Jerry, I very much appreciate your call because this kind of stuff you really don’t know unless you’ve experienced it.  So thanks for enlightening me and <Inaudible> as well.

Do you have any advice to that gentleman who called earlier about Ecuador being a <Inaudible>.

Well, yes, there’s a big law firm that handles a lot of stuff in Ecuador.  It’s called Morgan and Morgan out of Panama and they’re pretty reputable in Latin America and they could help because they’ve got offices in Ecuador and the United States and they’re well known world wide.

There you go.

And —

Not the same Morgan and Morgan, is it?

No, it’s not the same one as Florida.  It’s a whole different group.  Okay.

Great, thank you so much for calling.

That was fantastic, thank you.

I didn’t know they tracked your I.P. address, see something bad they can throw you in jail, man.  So much for that idea.

Yeah.  <Background Noise>.  I know when I got off the plane in Turkey, that was the first thing that our guide told us.  There are three things you don’t do in this country:

1.  The most important, you don’t talk about the government at all.

2.  You don’t mess with the drugs.

3.  If you meet a woman on the street, do not talk to her unless you are formally introduced by a relative.

Bad news.

Alright, 844-220-0965.  Around this time, we start hearing about a lot of scams, especially going into the holidays.  There are some common scams that are out there that we need to remind you about or Aaron can tell us about that your parents, or the elderly folks really need to avoid.

Yeah, you know, unfortunately this kind of stuff happens and there are some bad characters out there that are trying to take advantage of the elderly and seniors and taking advantage of — one of the big ones that we’ve been hearing about lately is it’s becoming Medicare open enrollment time here right now and so they’re getting phone calls about open enrollment and there’s agencies out there talking about issuing new Medicare I.D. cards, so they’ll call you saying that you need to issue a new Medicare I.D. card.  But to receive the card, you need to confirm all the pertinent information, including your bank account information, your Social Security number, your birthday.  If you ever get those types of calls, hang up, okay?  Medicare will never call you, e-mail you or visit you and ask you for your personal information.  It just doesn’t happen.  So whether it’s Medicare or the Social Security Administration or the IRS, or whoever, don’t ever give out your personal information if someone’s just calling you planning to be somebody that needs your info.  But it’s health care.  People get afraid of losing their Medicare coverage or whatever, so they’re seriously concerned about that.

Speaking of health care, this coming Thursday, December 1st, Gary Abely will be hosting a health care options in retirement workshop at our offices in Altamont Springs.  Folks get to 65 and they have to go on Medicare, and you get bombarded with all that stuff.  Gary is an absolute expert in all those choices, options, that you have.  This is totally free, folks.  Leave your checkbook at home.  He’s not going to try to sell you anything.  It’s at our office in Altamont Springs from 6:00 to 8:00 this coming Thursday, December 1st and you can register for this by going to our website <?>.  Click on workshops.  You make a reservation right here.  There’s going to be some light refreshment served and I guarantee you, you’ll walk away with some very valuable information as Gary is in fact a true expert on the health care options you have to face when it comes to retirement time.

If a guy my age can get confused about all of my Medicare options or Medicaid, can you imagine what seniors or those that have lost some of their faculties, are going through?

Yeah, you’ve got to be careful.  Great stuff.

Go to the website, right?

Wait, I’ve got one more.  We’re talking about selling high and buying low.  One of the big sell high, buy low things that have targeted seniors as well as the pump and dump investment schemes where you get called up by a telemarketer or some stock broker who’s trying to sell you the next big thing and their whole goal is they’ll literally get you to buy high and then as soon as they drive the price up, again, taking advantage of seniors, getting to drive the price up of the stock, and then they actually drive it, drive it, drive it up, and then they dump their shares and the seniors are left holding the bag on some investments that are relatively worthless.  If anyone ever calls you trying to sell you something on the phone, don’t talk to them.  Don’t give them your information.  Whether it’s a stock broker or someone trying to get your information on Medicare, whatever.

What did your grandfather tell you, Joe?  When in doubt, don’t?

And nothing good happens after midnight.

Oh man, talk about the sacrilege for me to talk over this.  Joe?  Oh, man.

Let’s Hang On by the Four Seasons.  Joe Berg, Aaron Berkhart, both certified financial planning professionals.  We’re in the waning moments of this long-running program, almost 30 years this show has been on.  How many years as the Certified Financial Group been around, Joe?

Our roots back 40 years, 1976.

Man, a long time.  Okay, before we <Inaudible> there’s a big game coming up today.  Perhaps this <Background Noise>

Have to <Inaudible> going <Inaudible> Harry and Esther are here for account and balance but this <?> <Inaudible>

It’s the Ohio State Buckeye battle cry.

Listen, doc <?>, you’ve never seen it, watching the Ohio State marching band come out in Descript <?>, Ohio today <Background Noise>

Look it up on YouTube.  <Background Noise> you say called in?  Nancy called in?

Nancy, yeah <?>.

<Background Noise> okay, we’ll <Inaudible> for Nancy then.  Here we go.

<Background Noise> here today <Background Noise> all I can tell you is Ohio State won, I think, 13 out of the last 15 years.  So Michigan’s probably due, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Ohio State <Inaudible> a whacking on them again.

So guys, we’re out of here.  Tell everyone how to get a hold of the Certified Financial Group if they wanted one of those complementary consultations.

<Inaudible> actually just go to our website,  There are all sorts of goodies on there for you, and you can sign up for newsletters, seminars, and you can request a complementary consultation right through the website.  That’s

Joe, you want to read this, or should I read this?  Go ahead.

In old Ohio <Inaudible> there’s a team.  Go ahead.

<Background Noise>

There’s a team that’s going to win today and they’re Ohio State Buckeyes, right?

We’ll see.  That’s why you play the game.

Alright, so <Inaudible> victory there today, guys.  Dave Wall is next in the news center and then we’re going to be hearing from our good buddy, Bill Berk from SNW Kitchens.  The top three ways to make your kitchen look expensive.  Get the biggest bang for your buck.  Bill Berk from SNW Kitchens is coming up in just a few minutes here on News 96.5 WDBO.

This is News 96.5 WDBO where Orlando turns first for breaking news, weather, and traffic, 24 hours a day.

Live team coverage starts now.

7:00 news, 96.5 WDBO, following our breaking news.  Quiet on the streets of Havana with news of the death of former Cuban leader, Fidel Castro at age 90.  Alana Zack tells us, street celebrations have broken out in Miami’s Cuban exile community.

This is the scene in Miami’s Little Havana a few hours after the announcement of Fidel Castro’s death at 90.  He was born on August 13th, 1926 in Oriente Province, Cuba.  As a child, he was educated at private Catholic schools and later went on to study law at the

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