For many people, there’s only one thing stopping them from enjoying summer: oppressive heat. But, frankly, that’s no reason to let ridiculously high temperatures keep you from enjoying everything that’s wonderful about the season. Even if you don’t have tons of cash to throw at a central air system—or an assistant to fan you with palm fronds—there are still plenty of ways to keep your cool, even on the sweatiest, balmiest, most downright miserable summer days.
If you find yourself incapable of enjoying a cookout or grimacing at the thought of an outdoor concert, you needn’t worry—there’s hope for you yet. Incorporating even a few of these tips into your lifestyle can make an enormous difference in how much the heat affects your body. Implement them stat to transform your body into a bona fide air conditioner. And if you’re wondering why you shouldn’t just countdown the days until fall, these are the 30 Best Things About Summer.
1. Up Your Vitamin C Intake
Being cooler in the summer could be as simple as taking a pill. Researchers at the University of Alabama found that vitamin C increases your tolerance for heat by delaying sweat gland fatigue, which reduces the occurrence of heat exhaustion and prickly heat rash. And research published in the Journal of Applied Physiology: Respiratory, Environmental, and Exercise Physiology, found that vitamin C also keeps your body temperature from rising during heat exposure with a dose as small as 250 milligrams, so might want to consider adding vitamin C to your supplement arsenal. And if you’re looking to increase your vitamin C intake naturally, you’ll find plenty of it among The 50 Foods That Are Proven To Make You Look Younger.
2. Get Some Houseplants
The benefits of having houseplants are manifold. They can improve mood, purify air, and they can also make a room feel cooler. Plants release moisture into the air, which helps regulate the relative humidity of a room and can make it feel more comfortable than it otherwise would. And for more genius ways to maintain a temperately comfy abode, check out 15 Ways to Keep Your Home Cool Without Central Air.
3. Switch Scents
When it comes to keeping cool, not all scents are created equal. Sandalwood is used in Ayurveda to lower body temperature, so if you’re on the market for a summer scent, try using something sandalwood oil to smell nice and feel cool.
4. Stick to the Shade
If you really want to cool down when you’re out and about, find a nice tree to sit under. The shade from trees is actually cooler than shade from buildings and other man-made objects, thanks to a process called transpiration. A tree maintains its temperature by circulating water around inside itself and releasing moisture into the atmosphere, to keep itself and the air around it cool. Buildings, on the other hand, trap heat and radiate it back into the surrounding environment. And for more ways to banish perspiration for good, bone up on these these 20 Tips for a Less Sweaty Summer.
5. Eat Spicy Food
There’s a reason spicy food is so popular in places with hot climates. It turns out eating something hot is a great way to stay cool. Capsaicin, the substance in peppers that makes spicy food spicy, binds to the pain receptors in your mouth. In response, your brain interprets this as being hot, and makes you sweat, and the sweat on your skin subsequently cools you down. The brilliant part is that you can do all of this without actually raising your body temperature, making it a genius way to cool down when things get hot outside. And for more tips on staying healthy all season long, check out the 15 Biggest Health Mistakes People Make in the Summer.
6. Avoid Ice Cream
It might seem like there’s nothing better than a cold ice cream cone on a hot summer day, but there is. It turns out the high fat content in ice cream makes it difficult to digest. The extra energy your body uses to digest the ice cream can actually raise your body temperature a little bit. So, if you want to cool down, try a fat-free frozen dessert like sorbet or an Italian ice.
7. Sip Some Peppermint Tea
A glass of peppermint tea is a great way to make your insides feel cool and tingly, thanks to menthol, a substance in the plant that works the opposite way capsaicin does, instead tricking your body into feeling cold. You can also spray mint tea on your skin to provide both evaporative and mentholated cooling, so this beverage pulls double duty.