Risk Tolerance Agreement Moderate 2-3 37-64

Agressive Risk Tolerance Agreement

Client #1 Name
Client #2 Name

You Scored:

Investment Time Horizon: | Risk Tolerance:

Instructions: Using the table below, match the Time Horizon Total with the Risk Tolerance Total to find the investment profile that best matches your personality. These profiles, along with the expertise of your Representative, can help determine the appropriate strategy to help you meet your goal

CONSERVATIVE: A Conservative investor values protecting principal over seeking appreciation. This investor is comfortable accepting lower returns for a higher degree of liquidity and/or stability. Typically, a Conservative investor primarily seeks to minimize risk and loss of principal.

MODERATELY CONSERVATIVE: A Moderately Conservative investor values principal preservation, but is comfortable accepting a small degree of risk and volatility to seek some degree of appreciation. This investor desires greater liquidity, is willing to accept lower returns, and is willing to accept minimal losses.

MODERATE: A Moderate investor values reducing risks and enhancing returns equally. This investor is willing to accept modest risks to seek higher long-term returns. A Moderate investor may endure a short-term loss of principal and lower degree of liquidity in exchange for long-term appreciation.

MODERATELY AGGRESSIVE: A Moderately Aggressive investor primarily values higher long-term returns and is willing to accept significant risk. This investor believes higher long-term returns are more important than protecting principal. A Moderately Aggressive investor may endure large losses in favor of potentially higher long-term returns. Liquidity may not be a concern to a Moderately Aggressive investor.

AGGRESSIVE: An Aggressive investor values maximizing returns and is willing to accept substantial risk. This investor believes maximizing long-term returns is more important than protecting principal. An Aggressive investor may endure extensive volatility and significant losses. Liquidity is generally not a concern to an Aggressive investor.


Please select your risk tolerance

If you've chosen a different risk tolerance than what you scored above, please state the reason why in the comments section.

Keep in mind that this Investment Questionnaire is an attempt to define your current investment time horizon and risk tolerance. The results are based on your answers; however, there is no guarantee that they are a full representation of your mindset on these issues which may change over time. Please contact your Representative if your investment time horizon and/or risk tolerance changes.




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Document name: Agressive Risk Tolerance Agreement
lock iconUnique Document ID: f2e586ae8ba57811126f73a1ffbf81024b2264d8
Timestamp Audit
December 16, 2020 5:03 pm ESTAgressive Risk Tolerance Agreement Uploaded by Donny Morehouse - donald.morehouse@gmail.com IP