
You’ve Got Mail – It Could Be A Stimulus Debit Card

You might be one of the nearly 4 million Americans who will find a debit card in their mailbox soon. If so, don’t automatically think ...

FAQs on Stimulus Payments by Prepaid Debit Card

From Kiplinger You might be one of the nearly 4 million Americans who will find a debit card in their mailbox soon. If so, don’t ...

Be On The Lookout for Look-Alike Emails

We are fortunate to have a reliable and dependable IT firm that supports our technology systems, and one of the many benefits of their guidance ...

4 Tax Opportunities Created by Market Downturn, Stimulus

The market decline and the CARES Act provide long-term planning opportunities that don’t come around very often. You might be surprised to know that we ...

We’re In This Together – You Can Count on CFG!

We’re In This Together… Working in the office or remotely, we are here to take care of your needs. In this time of uncertainty during ...
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